Funny but you might want to check for pinworms
Is this like based on a true story or something? Does the mentioned comic exist?
Have you checked the voter turnout? Because I didn't but it's traditionally low in the US for different reasons. And this doesn't take into account people not allowed to vote. I don't live in a utopia either but the US is especially undemocratic by design
Well, I'm not looking forward to the German elections next week either. #notallgermans #fckafd
Have some respect for the author of memes and don't change them at all! The internet isn't a legal vacuum. You wouldn't kidnap a baby.
This is the internet, the tweet could be from Australia or half a year old, or 10½ years from all we know
Some say it's black and white which it is not. White is over, we aim for light gray to avoid black on any cost
True, it's almost as bad as showing feelings as an adult
This! Hardly any diggity about it!
There are many protests nation wide today. I just came home from one in Frankfurt
First time?
I wasn't talking about this vote compared to other US elections but about the US voting system compared to other nations. 63.9% is still low for international standards. The comment above me said "half of you did", turns out it's closer to a third. And I'm not blaming the third that stayed at home, I'm blaming the system for shying them away.