how in the fuck is boycotting illegal?
Boycott US
The community dedicated to boycotting the US until they stop fascism, restore full democracy and start following international law.
Americans have a moral obligation to resist Donald Trump and project 2025 at every turn.
America is a flawed democracy currently being ruled by oligarchs. Stop the backslide! Dont let America become the next Hungary.
America needs to get rid of citizen's united and implement independent district drawing and the single transferable vote so they don't end up having people stay home in life-changing elections because they cannot vote for their favourite candidate.
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There is no boycott.
I don't buy a Teslas because I don't want a Tesla, but if it was somehow possible to illegally boycott Tesla, then I would totally not buy a Tesla illegally.
Well according to him it's not illegal If he's saving the country.
Toe country, just south of the foothills.
becauze nazi
So just so we’re clear here. It’s completely fine for F’elon Musk to manufacture the cars in fascist America, but also countries such as Germany and China. Totally fine.
But it’s NOT ok for other car companies to produce and manufacture their cars in countries that aren’t the USA?
Hypocritical much there you rancid old ~~snake~~ ~~oil~~ car salesman?
Fuck Trump and a super bigly Fuck You to Elon.
4 fucking years of this bullshit... Please die.
Four more years of this shit. I haven't been able to wake up from this nightmare since '16.
Let's demand Trump to make Elon the POTUS, I bet he's not gonna talk about then😂
I like how it's illegal to just decide to not buy something. Capitalism sure has changed.
I know it's not illegal, just making a joke off the dumbass's words.
Collusively lmao
I think he meant covfefe
I work in the defense industry. Many of my coworkers are conservative. Most of them would never consider an electric vehicle (I heard them laughing about rolling coal on a Tesla recently). So the target audience doesn't want them, and the former audience is now staunchly opposed. Who do they think will buy them at this point?
Crypto bros.
Theres no way this is an actual tweet. Guys...?
It isn't a tweet. It's a Truth. You can even Retruth it.
this is the most hilarious thing i have seen all day. i had to scroll up and check and it's actually there. amazing. 10/10
His misuse of public office should be landing him a third impeachment. Why is any of this being ignored as the new normal?
Because the American people are cowards, and don't know how to stand up against this. Their inaction speaks volumes in its own way.
It’s such a very small leap to imagine the next post being “he’s one of the greatest Americans we have, almost as great as me, so why should he be punished for where he was born? RACIST!? Musk/Vance 2028!”
So wait…. Boycotts are illegal now? It’s mandatory to buy their trumpmobiles?
Don't call them swasticars. Elon hates them being called swasticars. So, don't call them swasticars online, and don't call them swasticars irl. Elon is sad and depressed and having a very not fun time lately, so don't kick him while he's down by calling his babies swasticars.
“Illegally boycotting.”
Trump is hilarious. Like the government can stop me from NOT BUYING something.
Sounds like if he had it his way, we’d be forced to buy only what he declared and in the quantities the law stipulates, regardless of need or ability to pay.
I'm just gonna pretend I'm an advertiser on Twitter and just go fuck myself, Elon. You buy the swasticars.
Excuse me sir, have you performed your government mandated consumption today? It looks like your spending quota is a little low, how about ordering some tasty Dominoes^TM and signing up for a subscription service or your choice? Remember what your mother taught you: "a penny saved is a penny wasted". Money atrophies if you keep it locked up, everyone knows that! You need to keep that cash aerated, circulate it!
Please purchase verification Tesla.
He sure does suck off Elon a lot on social media
He does in the oval office too.
Huh, maybe putting the EV tax credit back in and banning the ridiculous EV registration fees that states are foisting on us would help electric vehicles sell?
I can't say it's this way for every state, but my understanding is that the registration fee for EVs is to replace the fact you're not paying the gas tax which is meant to help pay for road maintenance.
At least here in PA that's what they're intending to do. I don't believe it's been implemented yet, however.
How about we remove the fuel tax and instead bill per mile driven? When the gas tax was 25 cents per gallon, EV and Hybrid drivers were paying 30-50% more road tax than a gas car. (It's somewhat even now, assuming you drive your car 14000 miles a year) When the pandemic hit, gas taxes were dropped to 1 cent per gallon... Did the reg costs get waived? Nope.
I think this could work to guarantee everyone pays their fare share.I'm not 100% certain how miles driven should be tracked though. Obviously the odometer, but does the driver report that or the person doing the inspection? How do you make sure accurate reporting is being done?
Agreed, my other concern is where those miles are being driven. If you live on a border, reg the car in one state, but drive 50% of the time in the other...
I figure it would be something where commerical drivers submit milage reports for the year. Personal transportation would have the option of having the odometer checked, self submitting their odometer readings, or paying for the average milage for the state.
That I think could work. My immediate thought was those mid income who are still pretty much paycheck to paycheck that have to commute because where they work has too high a COL for their income would be hit hard by this, but if there's an option to pay average then they'd be ok.
Good grief, the President of the United States shilling for a Private Company. How pathetic.
Dude really made swasticars and fascists don't even buy it because they don't roll coal.
Right, so NOT buying a car is illegal now.
They'll let you buy something else, but first you'll need to watch a video on the benefits of owning a Tesla, watch an ultrasound of your new baby Tesla, and complete a 72 hour waiting period with mandatory daily calls with a DOGE sponsored automotive counselor.
"illegally and collusively boycott". Trump is such a turd of emotions. Just says things that feel true, and his idiot followers gobble it up. I don't think there's any case where a boycott is illegal, and colluding is just a scarier word for organizing or cooperating.