Maybe it’s just missing an initial apostrophe - like ‘kin grinder, man, f’kin grinder
Those are some Michelangelo looking boobs to be honest
Man fuck pantera I always thought they were shit
I’m actually a pretty big fan of Ivy but it definitely has the potential to damage trees. It can swamp even quite a large tree, and can pull smaller ones over - either directly due to its weight, or through instability during high winds. It also provides important nesting habitat for small birds, and is very important for bees at the end of summer due to its impressive flush or very easy to access flowers. Highly recommended, but needs proper management imo.
Man I fucking hate all these guys man why are all these guys such mad pricks? Have none of these people read any books at all? Ever? Do they not know what has happened? Fuck sake
Thanks for the visual 🙏
Sieve Bannon makes ~~gesture resembling~~ Nazi salute
Who the fuck downvoted this come back I have a bone to pick
I’m actually just about to tee off I’ll pick it up when I get back ⛳️
every accusation is an admission
Ahh yes greetings my fellow conservatives how have you been conserving today eh eh eh ;)
Excellent work srgnt do you have a company of battle sisters to crew them