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Oh damn. Are we already the AI?
I knew AI was a blight on society and this proves it. My eyes are trying to leave me now.
He was one of my top 8 friends! True story.
The 28th is a day to look into it you don't know yet. I was doing my part today in Sacramento!
That's fair! I've got family members (father in law) that were the same way until I showed him a few things where tech could help him if just took the time to learn it from me. He was very reluctant but now he's almost addicted lol. It can be tough to get people at a certain age to embrace modern tools but it's always rewarding when you can get through to them and watch as they get excited like I was in 94 when I got AOL lol.
Good luck!
Had no idea they were elderly, I don't think you mentioned that. Have you suggested any credit unions local to you guys? They're def better than the big wig banks anyhow.
There are so many online banks that reimburse fees. He should look into one of those.
It is the year of the snake
That's like $20 in todays money!
Probably stolen from bored Panda who censored it after they stole it from Reddit
Oh shit, you're cooked
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