Yes, it is true - if you look at the numbers as a whole, China does emit more carbon than America. But what constantly goes artfully elided in these statements is that their carbon emissions PER CAPITA is WAY lower than America’s. Of course they emit more carbon, like four times as many people live there. But what China doesn’t have are single individuals driving military grade gas guzzling SUVs two blocks to buy groceries twice a week. Also, most of their emissions come from industrial plants that produce all of the goods whose production WE OUTSOURCE TO THEM. The only reason their carbon emissions are so high is because western capitalists realized it’d be cheaper to move production there than keep them in the first world. Also, Bernie, who is making a massive investment in green energy? I’ll give you a hint, it’s only one of these countries. So it should be less about “America and China need to put aside their differences and work together”, a statement that tacitly implies that there’s something China isn’t doing that they need to start, and more about “America needs to catch the fuck up to China’s massive pivot toward green energy”.
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-nautilism posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Slop posts go in c/slop. Don't post low-hanging fruit here.
China does emit more carbon than America. But what constantly goes artfully elided in these statements is that their carbon emissions PER CAPITA is WAY lower than America’s.
I spam this vijay prashad clip at people any time someone brings up china's emissions
Even more compelling than the total versus per capita distinction is the cumulative vs annual distinction. If we just go with annual, China looks way worse. But it's important to remember that countries like England industrialized an entire century earlier than China did.
two blocks
more like 40 minutes and 30 miles
1300 CE: swarthy merchant man do math with symbol instead of tally. John be like swarthy man!
2023 CE: more people do more thing! How that work!??!?!!!
Okay after skimming through looks not so good even if the overall message is better than most politicians
In recent years, the rapidly growing Chinese economy has eclipsed the US as the world’s major carbon emitter. Right now, China is building six times as many coal-fired power plants as the rest of the world combined – the equivalent of two new coal plants every week. Last year, they quadrupled the number of new coal plants approved compared with 2021. Current plans will see China add as much new coal to its grid as used in all of India, the second largest coal user, and five times more coal capacity as the US.
It is no great secret the Chinese government is undertaking many policies that we and the international community should oppose. They are cruelly repressing and interning the Uyghurs, threatening Taiwan and stifling freedom of expression in Tibet and Hong Kong. China has bullied its neighbors, abused the global trading system, stolen technology and is building out a dystopian surveillance state.
Just awful
stolen technology lmao
"Only the white man possesses the creativity lobe, all other races can only produce lesser imitations of his works." - a thing liberals actually believe but they're totally not racist because they like Hamilton
dont make me tap the sign
"The Russians never invent anything. All they have, they’ve got from others. Everything comes to them from abroad—the engineers, the machine-tools. Give them the most highly perfected bombing-sights. They’re capable of copying them, but not of inventing them. With them, working-technique is simplified to the uttermost. Their rudimentary labour-force compels them to split up the work into a series of gestures that are easy to perform and, of course, require no effort of thought." - Adolf Hitler
Weird how liberal thought keeps echoing Hitler. Ah well, I'm sure it's just a coincidence
"abused the global trading system" is another knee slapper
The "stolen IP" story is fun because it represents an unstated assumption that only the West has good ideas.
When their years of long-term thinking and investment in R&D pay off, will the people kvetching today be willing to license Chinese designs?
I note that the new high speed rail project being promoted in Texas is based on old shinkansen designs from Japan; I wonder if it was just too much lost face to consider a CRH derived design?
who cares about stolen tech, even if they did that would be better for carbon emissions
stifling freedom of expression in Tibet, . . . abused the global trading system,
God damn what a fucking piece of shit he is. Not just the obligatory hits but really just slinging whatever he can fit in a sentence, plus going to bat for bad-faith accusations from protectionists.
I cannot believe that Britain is accusing China of abusing the global trading system
Baseless accusation. China is by and large compliant with WTO rulings. From the mouth of the libertarian Cato Institute
Select highlights
China has a relatively strong record of compliance in the complaints that have been brought against it so far.
From 2004 to 2018, 41 complaints were brought against China, on 27 separate issues, or “matters” in WTO-speak—legal claims of actions inconsistent with WTO obligations, sometimes with multiple countries complaining about the same matter, resulting in more complaints than matters. During that time, China was second only to the United States in the number of complaints it faced.
Of the 27 matters litigated against China, 5 are still pending, 12 were litigated all the way through, and 10 were resolved through some kind of settlement, or not pursued after the measure was modified
In all 22 completed cases, with one exception where a complaint was not pursued, China’s response was to take some action to move toward greater market access. This was done either through an autonomous action by China, a settlement agreement, or in response to a panel or appellate ruling.
The overall picture of China’s response to WTO complaints looks very much like the situation of other governments that face such challenges.. But there are no cases where China has simply ignored rulings against it, as has happened with some other governments. For example, the United States has not complied with the WTO ruling in the cotton subsidies complaint brought by Brazil, and the European Union (EU) still does not allow hormone-treated beef to be sold there even after losing a complaint brought by Canada and the United States.
As Mark Wu, despite his reservations about the efficacy of WTO dispute settlement with respect to China, has acknowledged, thus far the WTO “has served its purpose effectively as a forum to enforce China’s trade obligations. On the numerous occasions when the WTO has ruled against China, the Chinese government has willingly complied with the judgment and usually altered its laws or regulations to comply with WTO rules.”
(own emphasis)
Classic case of 'Rules (vibes) based international order' v laws based international order. MOFCOM put out its own paper (direct link to large pdf) on this earlier this year, but I'm sure it'd be dismissed out of hand in discussions about compliance.
work with us you authoritarian monsters that must be destroyed!
A dystopian surveillance state... You mean like the US and UK?
Here I was thinking a dystopian surveillance state was a requirement for modernization. My bad.
Ok barnie sandler time to get in the can
China invested several trillion dollars in combating climate change. Meanwhile the us has uhh signed a petition?
"it would be nice for the States of the world to collaborate on large structural solutions to the existential crisis facing humanity, but it seems like many here have forgotten: China bad."
No we must nuke them to defend our way of life (ordering doordash and watching netflix)
Putting a coin sized hole in the head of the top 10% of US earners would do more to combat climate change than any reasonable let alone possible government agreement and cooperation between the US and anyone else period.
I saw this new study going around, don't know if someone else already posted here, I even thought about posting it myself but fucking doomerism preaching to the choir.
In 2019, fully 40% of total U.S. emissions were associated with income flows to the highest earning 10% of households. Among the highest earning 1% of households (whose income is linked to 15–17% of national emissions) investment holdings account for 38–43% of their emissions. Even when allowing for a considerable range of investment strategies, passive income accruing to this group is a major factor shaping the U.S. emissions distribution. Results suggest an alternative income or shareholder-based carbon tax, focused on investments, may have equity advantages over traditional consumer-facing cap-and-trade or carbon tax options and be a useful policy tool to encourage decarbonization while raising revenue for climate finance.
I say holes, lots and lots of holes, until that happens fuck these sucdem lib shitters.
Let's team up for the assignment but I'll do the bare minimum and get the grade
''In recent years, both the US and China have greatly increased their military budgets.''
The Chinese military budget increase is proportionate to their growth in GDP (the budget is around 2-3% IIRC).
Also let's not talk about the ecological impact of the US army alone
Go to sleep Bernard