Maybe you could write a feature request on the Lemmy Repository for the ability to use other instance's emotes.
Fantastic video! Do keep in mind however, that Thunderf00t is a very socially and economically conservative person of which you should watch with caution. I mostly keep to watching his Elon dunk videos and his pseudo-scientific-Kickstarter de-legitimizing videos.
100%, to go out and touch grass on occasion really helps keep the depressive states at bay.
Welcome back! Glad to see how much better your doing.
Shattered pixel dungeon is a rogue-like dungeon crawler that is beginner friendly and still fun to long time players. It is offline, with no advertisements, and open source. You can get it from:
Oh, that explains it! Thank you!
YouTube application on a Vizio smart tv.
Normally I do too, unfortunately I've been forced to use some miserable smart tv as of late.
China's take on the Japanese government's handling of the situation, largely due to some of the isotopes they haven't filtered out. Particularly the strontium, iodine, and carbon variants. These have leaked into said wastewater due to the meltdown in several of Fukushima's reactors.
This was a fun read! Thank you for sharing.