I can't tell which is funnier
It really is just wrecker behavior. I don't understand how trying to maintain an orthodoxy of accepted narratives/political positions on events on the other side of the planet is somehow more anti-authoritarian than the groups they demagogue against.
I don't even consider myself any particular tendency, what I value is internationalism and treating all narratives and dogmas critically. That has not meshed well with so-called anti-authoritarians who are dead set on pushing an overwhelmingly liberal line (or something dressed up as radical but compatible with capitalism).
Being that concerned about who's going to betray you 'after the rev' just looks like counting your eggs before they hatch.
If you need two ply just take twice as much and fold it in half!
No spinfusor
Tribes 1 CTF was the best, every subsequent version has been slower and worse. Tribes 2 gets a pass because it at least kept modding as a core part of the game.
Becomes cop, immediately starts using chemical weapons indescriminantly around civilians.
The reality is that in a settler-colonial nation like the US, all this "left unity" nonsense is devoid of material analysis. You can not have unity with people who are essentially feds, who parrot US state department lines against anti-US nations, who reject the premise of the ongoing colonial project in the US, who are happy to be in coalitions with literal fascists, zionists, and conservative white people but will fight tooth and nail to make sure the "authoritarians" don't have any influence over organizing strategy.
This hit me kind of hard, I've long felt that a left unity position was an important part of engaging with other leftists, especially in the face of what we're up against, but in my own organizing I've run into a clique of people in the group that have taken an increasingly sectarian turn as they attempt to "read theory" and seem to have mainlined whatever fed psyops were on reddit.
I want to work with anyone I can, and we had worked together for years. However when I put my foot down about working with transphobes and antimaskers, that was enough for the clique to withdraw their own participation in our work entirely. That left a bitter taste in my mouth and they've only become more sectarian since. I even made the effort to point out the dude they were doing a reading group of was on record as a Zionist, they act like that's something that can just get ignored because the rest of his work is just sooo good.
I'm just tired.
That's pretty much my reason for never posting any of my overwhelmingly cute animals. Plus if I was in their position I wouldn't want them posting my pictures online, no matter how cute I look.
This is also my strategy, it's good to always be practicing such an important survival skill.
Morningstar is actually infamous for having "plant based" nonvegan burgers with shit like whey in them. I actually like their vegan burgers but they're more of a vegetarian brand.