Actually and literally pro-life. Not pro-birth, though, because that’s none of my business. A for-profit insurance company cannot help but have blood on its hands.
I kinda resent the fact that I’m a lefty American in the 21st century. I could be so so so happy about the state of things, if only I were wired differently.
Room-temp vodka hits the spot, if oblivion I seek
F you that’s so fucking hilarious
all 4
Amateurs. What about our poor stepparents’ parents?? Step-granny’s really had a hard winter this year.
The efficiency of these folks is on a level you wouldn’t believe
I’ve never heard the ditch before. I love it.
This is exactly the kind of news I always want to get the CSMfHT’s take on!
And when it’s release, then you rename it to
MyProject - Copy v2.bak new NEW (3) FINAL.2-19-24/
and then at the next standup, we all ponder how we can rename it to
MyProject - Copy v2.bak new NEW (3) FINAL.2/19/24/
because the team lead needs m/d/yy names with forward slashes
He’d do the same for me
It even shows whether the license haz eyes
Xul has entered the chat 👻