
joined 2 months ago
[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 0 points 1 day ago

In the 1930’s the robber Barron legacy wall street families got together and hatched a plot. A fascist coup attempt to overthrow FDR and install a fascist wall street /Military industry controlled regime that was modeled after hitler’s Germany. Wall street mostly unanimously supported the third reich. They funneled money to him, as well as equipment, put him in the cover of tine magazine as 1938 person of the year and held a rally for him at Madison square garden. The usa didn't want anything to do with the great war till it became evident that Germany was likely to lose so they allowed pearl harbor to happen to give the US carte Blanche via public support to enter the global theater then we pillaged their military secrets and gave asylum to many war criminals we deemed useful like werner von braun and many others (project paperclip) But anyway Prescott bush was one of these new money wall street people who spearheaded this coup attempt. They propositioned one of the most highly decorated generals in us history- smedly butler, author of the short autobiographical/ social critique war is a racket, to head this coup and take the white house by storm with several thousand military veterans. Butler played along until the last minute when he blew the whistle and testified to congress and the house un-American activities committee/ HUAC who deemed his testimony credible but were very likely paid off and did nothing to hold those responsible accountable. Now fast forward 90 or so years to today and the main architect of this coup’s son and grandson were both sitting presidents (one was cia director and very likely involved in the JFK assassination and was in Dallas on November 22, 1963) and all branches if the us government are now obviously controlled by the intersection of wall street and industrial military power whom also simultaneously control the press and use it to disseminate propaganda that the general public are easily swayed by in major part due to nixon and Reagan cutting education standards at the recommendation of their mutual advisor roger a freeman who said an educated proletariat was a major threat to their movement. Those two administrations were some of the most damaging to the American proletariat and did so much to dismantle the progress that the civil rights and labor rights movement did in conjunction with the new deal policies of fdr that allowed the middle class yo thrive for 3 decades until hyper inflation reared its ugly head and gave way to the modern age of austerity in America our government and their mouthpiece puppets are lying about. They intentionally devalued the us dollar while adequately adjusting corporate executive pay to compensate for this reduction in value to eradicate the workers and civil rights progress of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s and sent a majority of us manufacturing jobs to the third world to cut labor costs by 90-95%+

For the first 172 years of the us dollar as a standardized currency the price of gold only fluctuated 95% from $18 to $35 when FDR temporarily suspended the gold standard made it illegal for the rich to hoard gold and bought up the majority of the supply then revalued it from $19 to $35 an ounce so he could double the money supply and repair the damage done by the great depression. But since nixon permanently ended the gold standard in 1971 the price of gold has increased 8400% from $35 to $2900 today. This is directly in tandem with the increase in the national debt from $400 billion in 1971 to 36 trillion and change today or toughly 9200% meanwhile wall street uses the IMF/ world bank inflation figures to lie to us about the extent that the working class has been looted right before our eyes. the inflation statistics they parrot are based on consumer price index which is an inadequate and inaccurate measure of inflation since it does not account for the devaluation of a currency due to the increase in circulating currency supply which the price of gold does by design. So that means the minimum wage in the US has lost between 84-93% of its value in 54 years which in 1968-71 earned the equivalent value of 95 ounces of gold a year which would be $130/hr or $270,000 annually at a 40 hour a week salary of $1.60/hr even in 1950 75¢/hr was 60/hr today or 125,000 and in 1956 it was $1/hr or $82/hr/$168,000 today. This is why one adult working a full time job at any time from 1945-1975 could supply a family of four with enough left to save for their two kids college, their retirement (if they weren't part of the 50% of workers with a pension) own 2 or 3 used cars or one new car(which cost under $1000 at the time) and go on a modest family vacation once a year, today it would take both parents working 80 hours a week with overtime (which the current fascist regime wants to eradicate) at a base pay of$30 an hour to come close to the same quality of life. The American working class were turned to wage slaves and most were so poorly educated they didn't have the intellectual capacity to understand this reality. Today 2/3 of workers live paycheck to paycheck with insufficient savings to cover a $500-1000 emergency expense. Most millennials and gen z will never own a home and have to work till they are too sick to do so or worse while hoping that social security, medicaid and food stamps are not destroyed/ defunded and or privatized so we can survive the end of our lives. This is the sad reality of america and anyone disagreeing with my assessment is choosing to believe the words of career liars who commit fraud regularly and with impunity and have fleeced the American people countless times while our tax dollars have gone to their tax breaks and bailouts so they can enjoy lifestyles of opulent luxury at our expense. Its time to MaGGA- make guillotines great again.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

People are really tired with status quo and I understand why. But unfortunately we’ve had a class war waged against us for the last 54 years maybe even a little longer snd now many people don’t have the ability to understand how we got to where we are.all that matters is we are now here at a point of full fledged fascism and we need to mobilize and get ready for a civil war. Those in control of the current administration have said the revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it. The left that ass clown was talking about isn’t even the real left. The dem party is a neo liberal right leaning center controled opposition party and that’s a large part of the problem. True leftism has been eradicated from the discussion for the last 54 years and what we have told is left is actually feckless limp dicked conservatism masquerading as leftism fo maintain the class dictatorship at all costs. It is high time for accelerationism. Most social media outlets are completely censored and controlled. Now is the time to stand up, buy a gun, make some bug out kits/ plans, organize and prepare for the worst. It isn’t going to get better that is for sure.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago

Ask your doctor about cocaine today!

And new from the producers of cocaine comes… amphetamine! Youll get so much done in 48 hours your finger tips will bleed while you restlessly stare at your ceiling at 3 am wishing you could sleep!

And from the distributors of cocaine and amphetamines, for that pesky stimulant induced insomnia comes…. Alazropam!!!

Ask your doctor about cocaine, amphetamines and xannax today!!!! Unless you’re poor then they’ll just consider you a drug seeking degenerate and you’ll never be able to get any effective medications prescribed to you ever again! Because nothing fixes the problem of black market drug distribution like cutting people off of a pharmaceutically regulated clean supply and forcing them to procure narcotics on the street!! But look on the bright side at leas prison industry profits are at an all time High and all that cheap slave labor is a boon for the stock market!

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 7 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I don’t think you should be downvoted for your genuine ignorance to the situation. But now that you have been educated to the reality you should really work harder to educate yourself as to the mechanisms of propaganda that have embedded themselves in the institutions we have been conditioned to believe are the representatives of journalistic integrity which supposedly stand to speak truth to power as we enter into an obvious age of technocratic fascism masquerading as (neo)liberal democracy. A sham form of democracy has never been democratic since liberal democracy fights tooth and nail against economic democracy making it a de-facto class dictatorship nothing more, nothing less.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 19 points 1 day ago

Hes probably the most left leaning pope the Vatican has ever seen. It is a slight shame but he is still a figure of an institution that has amassed a hoard of wealth keeping it from those who need it most while manipulating history and the public narrative in their interests all while covering up for child predators within their ranks to protect their wealth/interests. What little good Francis has done is unfortunately obfuscated by the awful nature of the institutional monolith he has represented

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I love megadeth and pantera. It sucks that those artists have sich disgusting contemptible views. I went to a lamb of god/megadeth concert a couple years back and had to sit through mustaines bullshit right wing ramblings but i made sure to loudly yell out “free palestine” during a breif moment of silence.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 15 points 1 day ago

I think the right word to use here is “defined”

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 19 points 1 day ago (4 children)

The same website that posted an article yesterday calling luigi mangione supporters sick for lining up to see a killer they idolize right in the title of the “article” ? its a fucking neo lib conservative corporate turd cutter tongue punching rag. Fuck the dm. Fuck 90% of corporate owned propaganda outlets out there. Ever since regan and then bush senior killed the fairness in media doctrine journalism has almost entirely evaporated and been replaced with boot licking shills cosplaying as journalists

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Fascism lite is still fascism, fighting to support a controlled opposition group is fighting against your own self interests. Ballot box socialism/ ballot box activism is a fools errand. We are behind a point where the system will be repaired through the mechanisms of the system itself. The democratic party actively sabotages democracy to ensure class dictatorship continues at all costs.

I am one of those less stable than yourself. I have no job, i live in an old drafty rv and struggle to care for the pets i love and my partner and i. I think those who are too comfortable or comfortable enough think allowing things to continue and fighting to preserve the lesser of two evils is the best option but allowing things to continue when things are already awful we already have a fascist totalitarian police state where wage slavery is the norm where millennials like myself and the younger generations wont have the luxury of owning homes or having a retirement or even social safety nets like social security st this point. I might end up having to survive off canned food and moldy bread from food banks if trump cuts food stamps more than theyve already been cut considering inflation and rising food costs/ corporate price gouging.

Any shade of fascism is unacceptable. Voting for a slightly less awful form of fascism and blaming people who didn't vote or voted for jill stein / delacruz is like shooting yourself in the foot because it wouldn't let you walk off a cliff on purpose.

We are in an age where a majority of what we see is manipulated propaganda that works to silence anyone with my opinion. Look at the reaction to the extrajudicial execution of Brian Thompson / support for luigi mangione. Every social media outlet silenced users who want to see revolution. We get chastised by the “ViOlEnCe iS nEvEr ThE aNsWeR” by the same society that brought you kent state and countless other extrajudicial police state murders. If non violence were so successful then those in power wouldn't have a need for wars or militarized police or the death penalty. These are scared hypocrites who will and can do anythinf possible to maintain their power and present the illusion that what we are seeing and interpreting is a fair and level representation of reality and not a heavily manipulated propaganda filled control mechanism.

Everyone always says its better to have that still point within the ratcheting mechanism to build resistance but its impossible And naive to believe this because the democratic party and the state/ class dictatorship actively subverts and sabotages any movement left and manufacturing the consent of the populace to accept their system and play by their rigged rules.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 5 points 2 days ago

They can be to an extent. My girl raisin does better she is spayed but her husbun/son felix is intersex and still has his cashews so he still sprays(mostly our cat) and leaves territorial droppings around. But bunny droppngs arent gross like cat/dog / human feces. They are just compressed balls of digested hay and veggies and are mostly dry. A little moist when fresh but after a day they are dried out. If i had felix fixed he would likely not spray our cat and leave droppings in places other than the box. But they do tend to leave droppings where they sleep/nap even if they are fixed so you'll have a nice pile of 100 or so cocoa puffs to pick up when they are done napping. I just am afraid to have felix fixed since he might need invasive surgery if he has any internal female sex organs and he has such an interesting personality i dont want him to loose his spunky attitude after surgery or even worse, its not uncommon for rabbits to have adverse reactions to anesthetics and not make it through surgery. But spaying female rabbits is different since they have a very high 90%+ chance of reproductive organ cancer in old age.

So its a bit more complex than training a cat to use a litterbox. Its probably a little more difficult than even training a cat to use a human toilet with one of those toilet insert training liter boxes you can get.

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 16 points 2 days ago (3 children)

With bnnnuy comes lots of cocoa puffs. Sometimes youll find them in your jacket or pants pocket, they chew your charging cords (spicy hay) and dig ar your clothes and shirts while you nap. But its all worth it. Youll find hay and bnnuy poops all over the place and just smile because they are too damn cute!

[–] exploitedamerican@lemm.ee 13 points 2 days ago (10 children)

I think many people here are missing the real point underneath all of this. All the Americans who are still so delusional they believe democracy in the usa is functioning are the ones blaming voters who’s conscious wont allow them to vote for an obvious controlled opposition party. Here is the reality. Neo liberal democracy is a farce and always has been. You can not have true democracy without economic democracy. What you actually have in that case is class dictatorship.

We have a ratcheting political system. The right moves in and takes power and leverages everything as far right as they can get away with as quickly as possible, meanwhile the center right which masquerades as a “left party” with their milquetoast virtue signaling of waving pride flags and blm signaling while still supporting the main factor that allows racist ideology to flourish within policing agencies, global drug prohibition and the militarized police and surveillance state that has risen from it, while in power they make every excuse not to move the dial to the left and thus the pawl of the ratchet locks and only allows rightward movement.

The 14 traits of fascism are present in both parties. Albeit more prominently so in the maga right but its still there in the center right democrat party. Both sides are owned by the same exact wall street military and prison industry profiteers this is an undisputable fact. The only one of the 14 traits they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections however there is more than enough evidence to say that the us presidential election is rigged and has been since reagan and maybe even since kenedy considering the deal that was made with the mafia to get JFK in the white house.

Now we have elon musk buying trumps election in broad daylight and star link satellite systems were connected to tabulation machines in multiple precincts but lets ignore the cybersecurity experts who have claimed that there is legitimate evidence the 2024 election was stolen. The only half truth trump may ever have told is that the 2020 election was stolen but he didn't complain when it was rigged in his favor in 2016 because he doesn't give a fuck about election integrity so long as he benefits from it.

It is obvious to anyone paying attention that nothing in the US will change without a revolution. The democrats fight leftward movement at every opportunity. They disenfranchised sanders voters in 2 primaries and forced tired status quo bullshit onto us and blamed us for the dnc leaks sinking Clinton and then called it Russian propaganda. This all goes back to the thirties and the wall street putsch business plot and then nixon, then Reagan killing the fairness in reporting doctrine and bush also ensuring that was not codified into law. Now we have right wing fascist apologia rags masquerading as true unbiased journalism. 90% of the media we consume all owned by 6 major corporations all circularly owned by blackrock, vangaurd state street and blackstone. Democracy in the usa is dead. If you think it’s still functioning you are naive.


Ive had people on lemmy and other communities tell me the r/fuckluigimangione sub is satire but after checking its posts out since it was made and circling back to it now i am 100% convinced it is not.

The auto mod responses alone as well as the concerted effort to manipulate the narrative tell you all you need to know. For instance anytime you say his name there is a ridiculous anti L-M response, or if you say brian thompson (yuck) the automated response is just pure corpo ball gargling. If you ask if the sub is satire there is a specific automod response that explains in definitive English that the sub is 100% not satirical.

Also they are trying to spread the narrative that mangione is an alt right trump supporting racist anti trans (because supposedly brian Thompson left a legacy of promoting trans health care (you cant make this shit up)) incel? Satire should at least be so absurd its funny however this sub is just so obviously a smear campaign and pro corporate boot licking effort unlike anything I've ever seen before. Go check it out for yourself. It would be a shame if a bunch of people who have brains and understand whats going on in the world just bombed the shit out of their gross billionaire ball gargling bukkake fest.



This is always a contentious topic. I am Always met with resistance to my main arguments. So without further adieu let us delve into why this is aweful and will only get worse. I see gold hitting $3500-4000 by the end of this cunt’s second term. His first term saw the largest growth of gold price / decrease in usd value of any sitting POTUS from $1200 to just over $2000 which is a 66% fluctuation whereas with biden it went from $2000 to $2700 which is 35% increase.

Anyway lets get into this. For the first 172 years of the history of the USD as a standardized currency the price of gold held strong only increasing ≈85% from $19 to $35. But since 1971 when nixon ended the gold standard the price has ballooned ≈8000% from $35 to $2800 today.

Gold has always been considered an inflation proof asset. It retains its value better than any other commodity subject to the rules of supply and demand markets. Gold was the first currency used outside of traditional barter and trade economics and its value is still intrinsically tied to the value of every circulating currency in existence. If you calculate the exchange rate between any two currencies you’ll quickly see that they all add up to good perfectly. But that’s basic and should go without saying.

Ever wonder why at the time of American history portrayed as the era of American working class prosperity (the mid forties till the mid seventies) one working adult making minimum wage could afford to raise a family of four with enough surplus to send their two children to college, save for retirement (if they weren’t part of the 50% of workers that had a pension around this time) and go on a modest yearly family vacation? Meanwhile today even a family with only one kid is struggling to make it by on two salaries totaling $100,000 after taxes?

Now this may just be conjecture on my part but I believe the reason for this massive flip in working class power dynamics over the lasy 54 years was intentional. Sometime after Kennedy was assassinated wall street corporate interest had for all intents and purposes captured our political process and instructed their employees (our alleged representatives) to enact legislation that would effectively eradicate all the progress made by the labor and civil rights movements of the 40’s 50’s and 60’s as well as FDR’s new deal policies which stood as a foundation for the progress that came after. They were successful meanwhile the corporate executive class adequately adjusted their compensation to counteract the intended results of these policies.

In 1938 after conservative policies had been doubled down on which led to the gilded age and left us with the great depression. FDR finally began to repair the damage with common sense fixes that the robber barrons had fought at every opportunity available. 1938 is when the fair labor standards act was passed. This legislated many common sense socialist protections for workers protecting them from ruthless exploitation by profits at all cost models of capitalism. Such as; child labor laws, federal holidays, weekends, the 40 hour 5 day work week and most importantly, minimum wage.

Minimum wage on a federal level in the 87 years since its introduction has been adjusted 22 times with most adjustments occurring within a year of the previous one. Today the last adjustment of federal minimum wage was 16 years ago. And for the 30 year period of 1938 to 1968 7 adjustments were passed after first being set at 25¢ per hour or 14.9 ounces of gold per year at a full time schedule($41,000 today or about $19.50/hour) The 3 most impactful adjustments were in 1950, 1956 and 1968 where minimum wage was respectively raised to 75¢, $1 and finally $1.60 per hour. St the time that ranged from 45 ,60 and 95 ounces of gold annually.

Today the highest minimum wage in the country of $20/hour for some California fast food workers barely produces more than 15 ounces of gold for a full time year of work. And federal minimum wage is approximately 5.5 ounces. So thats a loss in value of 94-85%

And here many people will try to convince you that “the price of gold isn’t an accurate measurement for inflation statistics” but this is incorrect. But go ahead and believe the world bank, international monetary fund and Wall Street’s cooked books. These institutions have no issue committing fraud and them footing the bill to the rest of the world but sure lets pretend they are telling us the truth about something so important as how badly the socio political and socioeconomic policies they’ve supported the last 5-6 decades have brought the rest of the world as well as america into a state of austerity for the working class while they put around in their new yachts supercars and private jets that burn anywhere from $7,000 to $40,000 worth of fuel per trip. They definitely seem credible 🥴

But anyway lets look at the basis of their inflation models. The inflation models peddled by these fine and proper institutions snd definitely not rotting fraud filled pus buckets of society. They are based almost entirely upon a metric known as “consumer price index” or CPI. And cpi is flawed for several reasons but the biggest of those is that CPI does not account for the devaluation of a currency due to the increase in circulating currency supply. Such as what happens when a governing body prints money out of thin air and increases the national debt over 50 times in the last 6 decades. Now if we contrast cpi to the price of gold we will see where cpi fails is where gold excells. The main driving point in gold’s price increase is economic worry caused by poor policy the most common of which being irresponsible and unrestrained Fiat currency printing. Now lets look at currency printing in the last 54 years. There are plotted graphs that solidify my point and you’re free to look them up. Now by the end of 1979 the price of gold had alrrady increased by 2000% to just over $700 and in less than 2 years by 1981 the US had finished printing the first one trillion dollars into circulation adding to the national debt substantially. Fast forward today and the last i checked the us debt was somewhere around 36 trillion dollars and we currently print one trillion dollars every 3 to 4 months which is driving the price of gold through the roof due to decreasing USD value and market worry about the stability of the US dollar in modern times.

So why could someone working a minimum wage job from 1945 up until the mid 70’s support a family of four? Because money was worth far more and leftist organizing held the feet of the wealthy legacy families in wall street to the flames (these fsmilies all had supported Hitler so blatantly in the 1930’s they held a rally for him at madison square garden and made him person of the year on Times magazine’s cover in 1938) lets do some math here. To earn equal value to 1950’s minimum wage you would need to make the equivalent of 45 ounces of gold which today is worth $126,000 or $60.57 per hour. In 1956 it was 60 ounces or $168,000/ $80.76 then for 3 years before nixon shock was put in motion by withdrawing from the bretton woods agreement, arguably the worst financial policy the us has ever made, us minimum wage peaked at $1.60 which produced 95 ounces of gold or $266,000 or $127.88/hour.

To come anywhere near this both adults need to work 80 hours a week with overtime at a base pay of $20 just to reach $208,000 before taxes. And yes you can live better than a majority of people on thst wage and even $120,000/yr is decent but with 4 kids good luck saving anything meaningful and living anywhere but highly undesirable urban areas in super red states.

So these are facts that i know at least several will comment to debunk on this post. But the facts I’ve mentioned remain. None more so telling than the reality that the rich who are well versed in the markets of investment banking, have always considered gold to be an inflation proof asset that is not just a status symbol or a usefull material for technological applications but also a store of wealth in chaotic economic times.

anyone saying or asking why would they lie to us about this? I mean, are you not paying attention? If they told us the truth, that someone making quadruple federal minimum wage today is making 20% of minimum wage just 54 years ago then people would see the root of their economic frustrations in life and be much closer to starting the class warfare our society so desperately needs.i and others before me who have done the math have also figured out that the minimum wage workers of today are payed less than it cost to purchase and maintain enslaved people under chattel slavery. But since we have this illusory sense of choice, that we could just quit at anytime we are delusional to believe in our freedom under democracy (which is in reality class dictatorship) so from 1950 till today the share of wealth has gone from the top 20% having 10% of the wealth to the top ten percent having 66% and the top 20 having 74% while the bottom 60% have less than the 3 wealthiest men who collectively control $1,000,000,000,000 in assets.

The American working class have been robbed before their very eyes to the point where we are just glorified slaves. Many millennials snd gen z will have to work till we are to sick to do so or have to clock in on the day we expire. Many will never own a home snd have to hope that social security isn’t completely gutted in the next 25-50 years but i am not hopeful.

Have a good weekend regardless. Plan a boycott and some strikes and lets at least try and make things better than they are as dauntingly impossible as it may seem


Hello comrades,

I want to get my younger half brother a good book to read on the subject of leftism/socialism and the true workings of economic oppression we live in.

However I have a contentious relationship with my family. My wife and I currently live in a dilapidated rv in my mother’s driveway. When i was sixteen she moved us into a house with her at the time boyfriend whom she met at her job where I also worked as a teenager It turned out this guy who had pretended to be my friend was really an abusive authoritarian. Not so much violent abusive but definitely emotionally and psychologically. Several memories i have after we all moved in together are one time we were arguing in each others face and a little bit of my saliva escaped my Mouth and as a response he literally hocked a lugie and spat in my face. That was the most extreme and looking back I wish i had responded differently, as in called the authorities because no adult should spit in a teenagers face ever. but even before that the hypocrisy was making itself pretty evident. Before we moved in together I had a rather autonomous existence as a socially active developing 16 year old. I had issues with authority and had dropped out of highschool after my sophomore year.I was someone who got good grades however i didn’t often do homework and just coasted along on high test scores and my sponge like memory. After dropping out I was in a punk rock band with 40 year olds who i met through one of my mother’s best friends. She bought me beer for my birthday, took me to a heavy metal concert where we smoked cannabis together. At that time my mother and i had a close relationship and a tight bond. Things changed after they started seeing each other once he had even asked me to get pot for him before we moved in when he couldn’t get any. But even after that, there was one day when i came back from a camping trip in Maine with friends and i asked to buy some from him since he sold at the time and he said “im not selling weed to a kid” then after we moved in together it became a hellscape of “my house my rules, im the man of the house” authoritarianism. I could not smoke even outside of this house on the property and had to go walk half a mile away to a nearby cometary to smoke unless i asked permission and offered to smoke with him. Then they would search my room and once found some mushrooms I had in my dresser and claimed to have flushed them although a month or so prior they both had purchased a quarter ounce from me. All this motivated me to move out as soon as i could. Luckily they allowed me to leave several months before I officially turned 18. But this was 2007 and it was possible to live a decent life on a low wage even after the market collapse in 2008.

I was not very socio/politically conscious at the time. However i was aware of the hypocrisy of our society. Just not entirely aware of my socio/political ideals as being far left/ socialist until the end of my twenties.

My half brother is just about to turn 17. He has virtually no autonomy. Besides a part time fast food job he only recently acquired and his learners permit it seems he doesn't have the ability to take a piss without asking for permission. And it also seems that while we are living in a 40 year old rv in the driveway with no access to electricity and having to spend $30-45 weekly on propane so we and our pets don't freeze, that we are obviously persona non gratis. I just recently started communicating with my brother through a messaging app after last thanksgiving and he has encrypted the chat so that gives me an idea of the environment he lives in as being repressive.

I want to develop a relationship with my half brother but i feel as though i am walking on eggshells. This last thanksgiving we talked and joked while his father was not present but on christmas he was present so my brother was a completely different Person when he was there. I just feel really awful knowing how he tried to control me as a teenager despite myself being unrelated to him in any way and I can not even imagine what its like for him being directly related.

So i want to get him a book on socialist thought. I was thinking something by michael parenti could help to open his eyes to the reality of this world we live in. And that would also be easier to give to him as it wouldn't be something so overtly and obviously controversial as something by Marx/engels or even noam chompsky whom my opinion of is somewhat torn considering his past associations with jeffery epstien have given me some serious ick.

What do you all think would be the best book to give to a heavily repressed 16 year old on his seventeenth birthday in a few months?

Thanks for any suggestions and for reading my deluge of over sharing my personal family issues.

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