It really depends on your level of skill. Most TV mounts will need to be either level, like a ceiling, or wall mounted. Especially if your TV is big and heavy. The weird angle of the roof line will be the challenge. I can ask my husband for any suggestions though. Do you have a pic of the actual mounting place, and the size of the TV?
So many moody drives
Saaaaaaame. Tho through some Midwest cornfields instead.
That sucks! Tho I can't really blame them if the equipment was getting wet or something.
That was a pretty cool song. Thanks for sharing!
They really are such a vibe. I've done a lot of late light lonesome drives with them as the soundtrack.
Yoooooo mine is supposed to arrive Friday! So I'm saving this post for the recommendations.
Oooo this is good. I've never listened to them so I'm definitely going to be checking this out fully when I get a chance. Thanks for sharing!
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I actually have one of these in the form of an enamel pin.
I installed atlasOS on my desktop this weekend. It seems to be working well. I had to reinstall a bunch of drivers, but all in all it was an easy installation. I haven't had any major problems with it yet, but I've only been using it for a couple days.
At he beginning of the movie Oh Brother Where Art Thou, the trio of main characters find themselves on a railroad handcar being operated by a blind seer. As he's giving them a prophecy, he says the word obstacles like "ob-stack-els".
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely check them out!