All according to kayoubi.
Everything you said is true, but framed from the perspective of the banks.
People who wanted to own a home went to their bank, expecting their bank to act in their best interests. That person in the office must be highly educated, and if I couldn't afford my new home, they would tell me. Right? And, surely, they must be regulated by the government! If they lied to me, there would be penalties! They're legally obligated to do that—right?
And that banker said, "Of course you can afford to buy a home! Hey, I know your credit history hasn't been great in the past, but you can do it!"
Then the bank did some finance wizardry (also known as crimes), and said those loans are extremely cool and good. And the whole thing collapsed when everybody else realized they weren't.
Walking through an open door in a place you're authorized to access is going to be a hard sell on a B&E conviction, but okay.
After checking the current date, I'm gonna go with Internet bill.
mr trump. your fired
Bumping is using a key cut specifically to fit into any keyway of its type, so that you can hit it with a rubber mallet and jiggle the pins enough to open the lock.
It's one step above "just hit it really hard and see if it opens" in terms of difficulty. Which works on an absolutely absurd number of consumer-grade locks.
is there a tool that can remove locks in seconds?
Assuming we're not talking about digital-only locks, they could probably just use a key. A lot of non-critical government buildings are keyed like absolute shit by non-locksmiths, so they're cross-keyed like crazy, and use a lot of off-the-shelf solutions. I wouldn't be surprised if you could just bump the shitty locks.
what chapter and verse is it in?/?
In their defense, I did not see any black people in the crowd.
Reject microdosing psilocybin! Retvrn to tradition! Do coke!
My only memory of Final Fantasy 13 was that I encountered a bug during the Barthandelus fight, where Lightning kept shouting, "BARTHANDELUS!!!" over and over again for the entire battle.