You can install AdGuard on iOS, it will at least block ads in the browser.
I have this post to offer:
“Humans are inherently selfish--" Then why do so many cultures value hospitality, to the point of dictating it in their religions? Why is it so common for hosts to offer their visitors their best food, and as much of it as they can? At some point, multiple cultures decided that they knew what it felt like to be alone and vulnerable, and promised each other to never let those who stay with them feel that way. That doesn't sound very "inherently selfish" to me.
"humans are the plague"
No. Humans are animals as much as the fish and the bear. We are pack animals who have survived by strong bonds and community.
Do not buy the lie that humans are inherently evil. Societies can trick you into believing this, but it's not the truth of humanity.
Humans crave being together, sharing together, and thriving together.
Capitalism just wants you to believe we're destined for selfishness.
Hm, yeah, didn't think about shitrags' willingness to write misleading headlines to generate outrage/clicks.
They could make it completely detached from iCloud instead and allow using some generic API like WebDAV, so it can be used with Nextcloud for example. Plus potential DAV extensions or a new protocol and iOS API (or extend File Provider) if it needs anything specialized (it most likely does).
At this point if the Ai thinks we should be exterminated? I’ve no counter-argument that is based outside of a desire to want to live…
People's right to self-determination over their lives maybe? This is no better than the fascists wanting to kill whatever their "undesirable" minoroty of the day is.
For a macOS-style desktop I recommend Plasma. It won't feel like it out of the box, but you can customize it. I have it set up to have a top panel with app launcher, global menu, tray icons/notifications/time, and a bottom floating panel with all the application icons, downloads and trash like the Mac Dock, window buttons on the left, and a bunch of other tweaks. Keyboard shortcuts I've also all set up to be as far as on the Mac as possible, including correct mapping of the command key, if you care about those.
It's certainly not perfect in terms of how it behaves like macOS but probably about the best you can get with "off the shelf" desktops. (Wish more people cared about a GNUstep desktop tbh)
Not sure about distros, I generally recommend openSuSE to new users. If it or Mint works for your use cases, no idea though.
SIGNALIS is a game about romance and I loved it, it is one of my favorite relatively recently released games.
Maybe you're doing it wrong?
The server list is still there fwiw. But yeah the matchmaking update was awful.
This menu is for switching the device profile. Different programs can output audio to different devices, but a device can only have a single profile at a time active.
So, this menu can’t be flattened because the driver for the device doesn’t support outputting to both the speakers and the HDMI port at the same time. If the hardware supports it, this would have to be fixed in the driver, or at least ALSA or PipeWire. Plasma can’t do anything about this.
Nothing they can backdoor when the data (and encryption) is out of their control, is there?
The very funny thing Apple could do in response to this is allow people to self-host iCloud data storage. They do make privacy a huge part of their advertising after all. The chances of this happening are astronomically low though.
I use zsh and it works fine for me fwiw. Same with zsh --no-rcs (which doesn't load zshrc). Maybe you have some weird setting enabled?