Happy for the dog. Less happy (but not surprised) that it is being trained to falsely alert. Much easier to screen people for no reason that way!
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Yeah, I was like "This isn't wholesome. It's disturbing."
I've had a dog falsely alert on me twice, which allowed a cop to trash my car.
Yeah pretty sure the dogs are trained to alert on command. If the cops want to search your car, they'll have the dog alert and use that as the excuse.
Alerting on a car is such bullshit. The dog will learn that "alerting on a car" elicits rewards, not that "finding drugs" elicits rewards.
Source: dog
100% it’s total nonsense
If it were an official way to train dogs then it would be a nationwide scandal. However, the handlers can always train them in their own time. After all, besides a K9 being a partner, they also live with their handlers. I wouldn't be surprised if some handlers have done just that - to alert on a subtle (subtle enough) physical queue or even command, like "Search buddy" instead of "search go."
I know a guy who is a K9 handler for the police force. He runs a security camera company and uses his customers footage to track people in police chances and such. He also was given a restaurant and a manufacturing plant that produced masks during covid. Dude did security cameras for a company I worked at and pulled out his police officer pistol to show it off just like about everything else my comment mentions. I don't think he should have a gun or a police trained K9, but maybe that's what qualifies him...
When I was in highschool, I got dragged out of the back seat of a car with 5 of my friends, laid face down on the asphalt inches from the lane marker, and they proceeded to rip out EVERYTHING from my friend's mother's minivan. When they started pulling people, oen friend sent an SOS text to his parents.
When they found nothing because the only illegal thing anyone was planning to do was underage drinking like 6 hours from then, they proceeded to LITERALLY begin ripping the car to shreds. Broken plastic panels "these are easy to remove, they could be hiding shit in there" and ripped upholstery "that loose seam means they hid it in the seats" and even began removing the bumper.
Then the friends dad, who at the time was a legal aid, now lawyer, pulled up and began theCALMEST dressing-down I've ever seen from someone who is seething with rage.
Popped up, got out of the car with his hands out to the side, immediately identified himself as "their legal representative" and began reciting all the laws the cops were breaking, since they never had probable cause to begin with beyond "hey there's teens in that car" (he had no way of knowing that, for all he knew we got pulled over for legitimate reasons) but he trusted his son.
I'm sure we would all like to pretend they got fired, but nah. They took off the cuffs, said something along the lines of "don't give us a reason to stop you" which sounded an awful lot like a threat to me, and nothing ever came of any complaints.
You were blessed to have your friends dad show up. Sometimes they do weird shit like grab your wrist so when you pull away they can get you for resisting and they beat your ass after situations like that.
Oh yeah, I'm 100% glad he got there when he did, it was January and literally freezing, and I'm sure they would have done something to get the excuse they were waiting for.
If you or someone you care about has the SOS feature on their phone (specifically the one that you can specify NOT to call the cops for) then have them set it up to get ahold of someone they trust.
My wife's phone is set so when she mashes the power button a bunch, it automatically sends me and her best friend a text with a customized message, in this case just "SOS I NEED HELP ASAP SOS" her approximate location based on cell towers and if her fitness watch is on or phone GPS is active, her GPS coordinates and a link to follow the signal.
She watches a lot of crime docs, so got paranoid about being kidnapped or in a situation she can't take out her phone without an excuse. So all she needs to do is be able to press the side button repeatedly.
Here is a Quota page with good answers (surprisingly) that may help you in the future: https://www.quora.com/If-you-deny-permission-to-a-cop-to-search-your-vehicle-and-the-cop-calls-for-K-9-to-come-check-how-long-do-you-have-to-wait-for-the-K-9-cop-to-show-up-before-you-can-leave
Seriously, story completely goes over that some poor bastard was airport swatted over some pizza.
You get a gun to your face and then see a mean ass police dog get a treat for it lol
Wholesome memes? More like ignorant memes. (Gets downvoted into oblivion)
Yeah I got pulled over once and illegally searched by dogs. They supposedly alerted. It totally wasn't that half a Subway sandwich on my passenger seat. They proceeded to tear my car apart anyway while simultaneously trying to convince me to confess to drugs that weren't in my car. Scumbags.
"Gave him a treat anyways"
Well there you go. The dog isn't confused, it's doing exactly what they're training it to do.
Humans are just bad at training the right behaviours. We know what the goal is, so we assume that it's in some way obvious to the dog as well.
Having said that, I also don't want to be on a flight with some weirdo who has bought pizza with them so the dog is still performing a valuable service.
Thats the joke :D
Look pal, you're either going to jail for decades or this dog just smells pizza. You better suck it up because this is the best system we have
No I swear these additional checks are random
The War on Drugs is because drugs will ruin your life! The prison system will make sure of that!
Just always bring some emergency pizza. Worst case scenario: you've got some pizza
So the takeaway from this is: When smuggling drugs through an airport, carry a few slices of pizza as well.
No no no, put the drugs in the pizza stupid.
Apparently bringing along things that will give false positives is a legit strategy.
There's nothing wholesome about this.
Well if you keep rewarding him for finding pizza, of course he'll hell doing it. Gawd cops are so damned stupid.
Relax it's a made up story
Cops still stupid tho
This is why I'm a cat person.
They don't snitch
My cat would snitch on me for a treat and a few grains of catnip.
They don't know they're getting someone in trouble, they just know that if they act a certain way when they smell something, they get a treat. That's why this tweet is horrifying, because they're training the dog to do that when they smell pizza, which means that you get to be searched because you smell vaguely of pizza.
Also cats can be trained to do the same thing. They just like dogs more because they're easier to find/notice if they wander off a little bit, and can bite people.
This is probably a situation where their handlers and trainers ate or were around pizza or something while training them... not sure if that's funny or scary
They aren't drug dogs they are bomb dogs.
Pizza is the bomb, so I guess it all works out in the end?
Them dogs are da bomb.
Nothing wholesome about this. Cop dogs are animal abuse and all they're used for is fabricating evidence.
Reminds me of how two separate bomb-sniffing dogs altered to me when my dog was a puppy.
Your dog just likes puppies, leave me alone.
But your puppy was... da bomb!
I'll see myself out.
Thanks, Dad.
Only on Lemmy.ml would they be jerking off cops and cop dogs.
That's a rimjob steve if i've ever seen one.
Meanwhile the dog is bragging to their dog friends that they've successfully trained their human to give out snacks for pizzas as well.
"you don't have to wait for humans to bring drugs, they almost never do that, I get so many more treats when I train my human on pizza!"
Does this count as copaganda...? It feels like copaganda.
The drugs are in the pizza.