Post this on Facebook. I've learned that everyone on there fucking hates Ramsey because she's a little odd looking and was cast to play a teenage character (Ellie) who they really wanted to fuck, I guess.
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This might be sardonically called atrocity, which is considerably better than the status quo, that being a literal atrocity.
Maybe they just don't like cow squeezin's. I've actually done this before for precisely that reason. Milkis a raw ingredient waiting to be turned into cheese, cream or yoghurt. It's not supposed to be consumed as is. And soy milk tasted like weirdly astringent bidet water.
weirdly astringent bidet water.
Bidet water is just water til it hits your butt...then it's toilet water. Why you drinkin out the terlit? Brawndo has electrolytes... it's what plants crave!
Why do they already give the vibe that they do this prior to reading this article?
Tangent: I swear by orange juice in coffee instead of creamer. It deals with the bitter coffee taste by just making it Very Taste. It doesn't taste good, quite the opposite. (My fiancée accidentally tasted my coffee once and immediately puked.) But it certainly does taste
I went to a restaurant in a tropical beach town, and one of the cafes did espresso shots in a fruit juice that is a bit like a bitter orange and it was meh, I would try orange juice in my coffee at home though. I think the problem was there was more juice than coffee flavor and the bad ratio didn't taste great.
They killed Jesus because he spoke the truth.
straight to jail.
Yo my dude wtf
Psychotic. Terrifying. Beautiful.
Ice pour over with fresh calamansi juice goes amazingly well together.
I'll pick a bowl of cornflakes, OJ, and diced fruit for breakfast whenever I can.
Cornflakes can be combined with a lot of things better than suck ass milk. You don't believe me? My favorite summer snack? A bowl of cornflakes with fresh tomatoes, olive oil and spices. Fuck you all dairy supremacists.
whatever keeps you going through the day, mate.
id rather skip on the cereal in this case
bc autism
Regardless of taste that much sugar is a sure path to early diabeetus.
Could be worse, she could microwave tea instead of using a kettle...isn't that right Americans
Don't pick on them. They only get 110v inches/pound power. They'll write you an angry note on letter sized paper.
The chemist in me is so sad 😞 what’s wrong with the microwave for heating water? That’s it’s one job in life
I think they believe we’re heating the cup with the tea bag in it or smth, instead of just heating water. Idk. It’s lunacy.
Yeah, I agree, it’s something like that. Ive never really gotten a concrete answer from anyone for why they won’t use a microwave to heat water. The best I’ve gotten is “that’s not a what a microwave is for”.
The best I’ve gotten is “that’s not a what a microwave is for”.
Yeah, microwaves aren't for making water hot, they're for making food hot AND DON'T TRY TO EXPLAIN HOW THEY WORK MAGIC MAN!
"What is my purpose?"
You make a mid cup of tea.
dejected appliance noises
I much prefer my cheap plastic electric kettle that imbues each cup of tea with microplatics
Microwaves are also one of the best methods for cooking vegetables due to minimal nutrients being sucked out by water (unless you're drinking your boiled broccoli water of course) and no charring (yummy cancer) but it's seen as inferior by most.
That said I've literally never cooked tofu in the microwave and I'm hesitant to even try lol
Don't boil... blanch.
Most veggies I cook are either sautéed or roasted.
Steamed microwave veggies are great! For when you just want a lazy veggie side and don't wanna cook after work.
I have no idea where we received this stigma and I am appalled. You can falsely accuse me of anything, ANYTHING, except microwaving tea. I will not let that stand.
::: spoiler I heat my water inside the oven like a true US citizen. :::
Air fryer tea
Well, I've got cereal at home and bought some orange juice yesterday and it's roundabout breakfast time, so... wish me luck.