
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Magic in Tolkien's Legendarium has two main parts: authority and secret knowledge. Secret knowledge allows those who have seen the light of the two trees to use the dual nature of the world to make artifacts that work in ways we can't explain, and is effectively just science we can't ever have access to. Anyway, you wanted to know about authority:

Looking at the example of Gandalf breaking the bridge, he says "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udûn. Go back to the Shadow! You cannot pass!" and then strikes the keystone with his staff. Let's break this down:

  1. Before we get to analyzing this line, we have to talk about his staff and his robes some more. These arent just clothes and a walking stick, these are his Uniform. If you went into a courtroom and the Judge was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, I dont think you would take them seriously. It's really important to be dressed the part! The staff, in particular, functions like a badge of office. Think of all the stuff a cop can do by flashing their badge! They can't do their job without it! The robes also signify his station so much he is named after his robes, but we arent sure why he is specifically grey.
  2. First, he declares that he is a servant of the Secret Fire. This is the fire of creation, which belongs to and is part of Eru Iluvatar. This also has a dual meaning, since all mortals have a small piece of the Secret Fire inside them. So, with this line he is not only saying he serves God but also humanity.
  3. By "wielder of the flame of Anor", he could mean a few things. The Flame of Anor is the sun, literally speaking. I personally think he is invoking his ring of power, Narya, because i like taking things in the most literal way. The consensus among fans is that he is invoking his the power he gained as a servant of the the Lords of the West, since Anor was a fruit from the two trees which was placed in the sky by Nienna if memory serves. Nienna is significant here because Gandalf studied under her and learned from her the power of mercy, which is ultimately what defeats Sauron in the Lord of the Rings.
  4. He addresses the balrog as the flame of Udun, and tells him that Morgoth will not save him here. "Go back to the shadow!" is at once a command to leave and telling him to go where Morgoth is, which is DEAD.
  5. And then we get to the iconic "You Shall Not Pass!" line which is frankly better in the movies. He is not talking to the Balrog here. He is stating a new law of nature. It is now impossible for this balrog to cross this bridge.

This entire scene can be compared to a police officer showing up to a house, showing their badge and a warrant to search the place, announcing their intent to search the place, and then entering. Miss a step, and it doesn't work.

Precedent has more to do with the powers that kings have. For example, Denethor's line presides as the Steward of Gondor for so long the authority of his line seems comparable to Aragorn's at some points, and this allows him to do some things that look like magic. One thing that comes to mind is that he seems to have a supernatural ability to spot falsehoods, which Sauron takes advantage of by feeding him half-truths. And let's not forget this man held a Palantir in his hand for decades, stared Sauron in the face for decades, and he did not break. This man had a stronger will than Saruman!

There were arguably more examples of this variety of magic, where a king seems to have supernatural abilities because they are kings, and promises seem to have more power than laws. But if I detailed every little moment of magic i would be typing here all day.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

I'm willing to bet that there was a cultural shift between when that module was written and now. I am willing to bet that the author and all his friends knew what a prophet-squeeze-monster trope is because it was nearly ubiquitous at the time, but then people stopped using it (likely because it was seen as the "obvious" option) and as a result it stopped being a classic trope.

As a comparison, I am working on a novel with a soft magic system. However, I tend to forget that it is a soft magic system when I am explaining it to friends because it has strict rules for how it works, and more importantly i am a huge Tolkien nerd and forget other people dont even know who Morgoth is. At one point, I made the mistake of telling a friend that "its a pretty standard fantasy magic system" which they interpreted as "it works like D&D instead of like Mistborn". They then had to double back and ask me what I thought a "standard magic system" was when I started talking about legal standing and precedent letting my wizards cast spells. To me, this seemed normal because that's how Gandalf does magic. But the current high fantasy landscape has trained people to think of magic as an alternate science where specific inputs get specific outputs, so people tend to instinctively think of soft magic systems as working the same but with less control over the inputs or less reliable outputs.

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Idk. I was exaggerating, but if memory serves during COVID there was a conspiracy theory that the new 5G towers could interact with heavy metals in the COVID vaccine and do...something? Dad and I still got our boosters.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Thankfully my mom was one of these. She became anti-vax after I got my first shots; I think she was a bit traumatized by seeing her little baby be so scared and then so sick, but thats just how vaccines work. She believes all the nonsense about heavy metals in the vaccines and 5g radio waves in the needle giving us autism, but she also believes that they do work and that an autistic child is better than a dead child. Therefore, I was a fully vaccinated child and all my shots were on time.

[–] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Me neither. I heard is having some issues, maybe thats what happening

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

This was about 12 years ago, i think. By "kid" I mean teenager.

I'm just not used to podcasts sticking around for more than four years.

Feels like every presidential election

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I remember song exploder! I listened to it a lot when I was a kid. I'd love to listen to a podcast like that, but with authors talking about their books and explaining why they made the decisions they made

Gonna second the French Press in the Fridge method. It's the one that works best for me; cleanup is pretty easy, and the only problem is trying to fit it in the fridge without fully depressing the plunger.

[–] 30 points 4 days ago (1 children)

When I was a kid, one of my friends wanted to start a minceraft server, so he got his mom to pay some dude to host their server. His mom was shocked when the first autopayment was taken out of their account, accused him of stealing their money, and immediately closed that bank account.

Femboys are so cute and you get there unseen.

I have no idea what that means


Just had an interaction that reminded me of this.

I was a daycare teacher for 3 years, and I'm a cishet dude. My daycare had a policy in their contract that men were not allowed in the infant room. This had gone unchallenged since the 90s, when it was written. I apparently was the first man to challenge it, and it was entirely by accident. All I did was offer to sub for an infant teacher, not knowing the contract, and this triggered a whole beurocraric thing that resulted in the contract being rewritten.

I know I'm far from the first man to work there. Did every other man who worked there think they were unqualified to change a diaper? To pat a baby to sleep? To feed a little one in a high chair?

And this isn't even touching on how I got stuck with the 4s because my boss expected me to be scary because I'm a man. I don't have an aggressive bone in my body. Thankfully they learned that fast.

I also had to deal with plenty of parents who seemed unable to comprehend a man who actually want to be a caregiver. Clearly Mr. Teacher must have ulterior motives! I must be a gay who is trying to corrupt the youth! I must want to abduct children! I have had so many parents try to accuse me of the worst things because they can't imagine a man who actually likes children.

And so much of this was from the dads. Sir, you have a child! Are you telling you that you don't want to be around your child? That you are so repulsed by your child that you can't imagine other men thinking they are pretty neat?

I am not looking forward to seeing other people react to me parenting my own children. I hate how the patriarchy makes men beat down other men. Men should be allowed to want to be dads.


Saw a post about this at ! and was a bit confused by exactly how badly the people there were going at each others throats in the comments. Nobody seemed able to agree on what precisely happened in 1971. Suggested explanations included:

  • Neoliberalism being declared the state religion by Grand Moff Richard Nixon
  • The gold standard being abolished
  • The oil crisis
  • The Republican and Democrat parties becoming increasingly divided
  • Declining birthrates
  • Institutional Racism

If any of you could give some explanations with, like, sources that aren't just 10 pages of graphs with arrows pointing at 1971, that would be pretty great.


cross-posted from:

/c/ mods (Moss) are banning people they disagree with

I don't troll. At all. What I do is post various comments encouraging a community to not get angry as hell about a change but to make the best out of it. That's what happened when 196 decided to port over from to I made a bunch of fairly long comments that were talking about how people shouldn't be angry and just leaving toxic comments but fueling a better community, whether that be here or elsewhere. Comments went fairly well and all was fine and left up for a while but a couple of days after being posted they were removed along with everything else that I had posted to that community. The mods list the reason in the modlog for my permanent ban as "trolling". There are many things I do, but trolling isn't one of them. Especially when the comment sections are left in a state here showing that I wasn't trolling.

I went through everything that I did with that community and cannot find a singular thing with the exception of a memory.

I had posted a meme a couple of weeks ago. I don't remember exactly what it was but I remember a moderator saying on it an hour or two after posting that it should be marked as NSFW. I disagreed with this assessment. I left a comment in response saying that I disagreed that it should be marked and that I would refuse to mark it as NSFW. However, I also respect that it is their community and their rules so I settled for something different. I didn't add an NSFW tag, I just deleted it wholesale. I didn't want to add a tag to something that I didn't feel was applicable and instead of having to sit with that tag on the post, I just deleted the post entirely.

So this only leaves two options from the mods of 196.

Either they banned me for posting comments that were supportive of the community itself and not directly supportive of them or they banned me for deleting a post.

In either case? The moderators of ! are no better than reddit moderators who just lash out for their own ego. Blanket bans for disagreements.

And perhaps unsurprisingly and perfectly fitting of every single accusation that has been levied so far against them and their abusive practices, the last moderator to interact with me was

I find it fucking hysterical how the mods over there are so vehemently Anti-Trump (and should be given the userbase and content) but act no better than someone in his administration.

Edit: I found the post about it being NSFW after going through Moss' profile but unsurprisingly Moss had to go ahead and suppress my comment there as well. It's remarkable how much of their profile is just whining about being treated unfairly while they're going ahead and treating people unfairly. But of course, Moss (being a redditor) had to go ahead and downvote before the removal of the post. Fragile... jesus.

As for how I feel it should be remedied, Moss should step down or at least be removed as a mod on They've done nothing for the community that hasn't been insanely divisive as of late. They seem to be remarkably tonedeaf and just openly abusing their position.

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