So much winning!
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Can we please stop "winning" now?
📈: Look at my amazing influence over the market!
📉: The market is adjusting, don't be such an alarmist
Adjusting to its new, lower range.
Has anyone thought that Trump is trying to run the economy like a crypto "pump and dump" scheme?
Genuinely curious.
This is precisely what "disaster capitalism" is all about.
A very small number of assholes are about to get even richer.
Coolio, how can I be one of them?
Wrong question and wrong perspective.
Mom always says there are no wrong questions
That ship sailed 2 months ago.
It's not a coincidence that 10 of the last 11 recessions started under Republican presidents; recessions are fantastic for the donor class. I encourage all to look this up, every Republican president since Benjamin Harrison, who served from 1889 to 1893, had a recession start in their first term in office. Recessions are the predictable and historically recorded effect of wealth redistribution towards those who don't have to spend money, versus a thriving economy which depends on broad participation from all.
Social safety nets we have all paid into and should expect to have available to us are persistent targets for the 'efficiency' crowd. If they can cut Social Security benefits and Medicare so that old folks can no longer afford their prescription medications and their homes are foreclosed, this is part of the temporary pain Republican politicians will tolerate on others' behalf. With the added effect of small businesses folding and valuable business property becoming vacant, it becomes the grand old garage sale of America.
He's a buisinessman with a vendetta against multiple government agencies for trying to convict him. These are pure vengeance plays to humiliate the feds, destroy the peoples confidence in the country, dismantle what little power government had over corporations while making as much bank as possible.
America was already a corporatocracy in all but name but companies were willing to work with government to maintain the illusion that the old powers of federal government were still in control. Now trump is signalling that the mask need not be worn.
What confidence in the country? I feel like that's been gone for a long time now.
I wouldn't doubt it. Who's going to successfully sue him? Issuing tariffs is smack dab in the middle of executive power, and SCOTUS has said he's immune for traditionally considered illegal actions if it's under the category of official acts.
He already did a rug pull for his crypto, time for the big bucks
Regular recessions are a boon to the wealthy vultures of the world. It allows them to snatch up more wealth from the desperate at a deep discount, since they can afford to weather a temporary downturn.
I suspect you might have meant: Genuinely curious btw.
Thanks, I fixed it.
Thanks Trump!
The rest of the world over the last month: The website used is called finviz:
You should add the US to that if you want a good comparison, the OP is about the past day, but I think most things are still greenish in the US over the month.
Hardly room for it, plus it's up above anyways.
I don't think you read my comment, you posted world market over one month, the post is about one day.
If you look at the US one, you'll see it's a mix of green and red for the past month.
Yeah thats fair.
I wonder if they are tired of winning yet?
Winning! Tiger Blood!
Redistribution of wealth and power continues. Shares of companies at rock bottom prices that only the rich can grab because the rest of us can’t afford bread.
that breaks down if people dont come back and just move to other companies
As much as i hate that the markets are in red, i really feel like we need to support our Canadian brothers and make them sweat more and more.
Can you share the current EU comparisson OP?
Mexico exists.
When people sell their stocks, that value doesn't vanish - it turns into cash.
So another way to look at is "rich people now have $1 trillion more in cash now than they did yesterday".
And that cash will turn back in shares at the next opportunity...
It's like a spring that gets pushed down and then released again later. All the energy used to push it down doesn't go away, it is stored in the spring.
I don't think it's entirely true:
Let's suppose there are 500shares trading at $10. The market capitalization is 5000$.
One person now trades one share for 9$. There are still 500 shares around (if the company didn't do a buyback) and now the market capitalization is 4500$. Where did the $500 go? Nowhere. The market cap just represents the perceived value of the company
This is the correct take.
There are not $1.5T worth of cash sitting around. What happened was a bunch of people tried selling their stock for $10, and when nobody would buy it for that, they sold it for $9. And when nobody would buy for that, they sold for $8. The market cap just dropped by 20%, but only $17 was made, not the $1000 the market cap "lost".
I consider myself schooled.
Also, $17 was made, but $17 was lost by the buyer. It doesn't generate money. It's all speculation.
No, stocks are not zero sum like a spring storing energy. They can in fact destroy wealth. Think about it. It would be pointless as an investment if they always paid out exactly what they were paid in.
yeah another way to easily realize that the person is wrong is to look at crypto, the market cap of those coins is based on the current price and the total available, same as stocks. However, you can't liquidate all of Bitcoin into trillions of dollars because the imbalance between people trying to sell and people trying to buy would drive the cost and therefore the market cap down significantly. A $100 million sell-off might wipe $1 billion in market cap.
This data is not saying that $1.15t in shares have been sold.
It means that the sum of all the values of all the shares on the exchange is $1.15t less than it was the day before.
All of the same shares still exist and are still owned by someone, with the exception of a few companies being wound up or a few companies being listed for the first time.
So another way to look at is "rich people now have $1 trillion more in cash now than they did yesterday".
Which is a way of saying $1.15 trillion investor dollars are no longer convinced they can continue to grow via stock appreciation, and are convinced they are more valuable over time taking real losses from inflation when held as cash than they would be from even greater predicted future losses in stock valuations.
Normally, I would say that this money would be reinvested into other assets which are percieved to appreciate.
But when you have Warren Buffet selling off massive amounts of his stocks this week and a few weeks ago... and just holding it as cash...
... and also basically every single economic indicator is showing a very near term massive downturn, when the market cannot predict the near term future due to wildly erratic tariff threats and deporting most of our farm labor...
...when interest rate cuts don't actually fuel debt based growth because everyone's credit scores are shit and delinquencies are high, so no one is actually credit worthy enough to lend to, when the housing market is beginning to crash, when basically every major corporation you've ever heard of is announcing massive layoffs, when the government under which all this occuring is undergoing a coup/constitutional crisis...
Uh yeah, looks like smart money has realized that basically all current investment strategies are too risky, so the best move is to just sit on cash, as the expected loss from general inflation is looking to be less than all the wealth you'd lose from pouring investment dollars into anything right now.
The energy is being withdrawn from the spring because the spring is rotten and rusted and expected to snap and break, and that energy will go toward building and compressing a new spring after the shrapnel has taken out everyone who didn't get out early.
When investors en masse just withdraw into cash, that's usually a sign that everything is about to collapse.
Capitalists like safe, stable environments to invest in. Volatility bad.
But Trump and Elon are erratic volatility incarnate, mistakenly thinking they genius businessmen.
That happens when someone buys it. The money doesn't disappear but the value does
True but and this is anecdotal my all-world and stoxx 600 are up as much as my S&p is down which says there's def been a shift to other markets~~___~~