A couple of weeks ago I decided to put together a website in my spare time, and it went absolutely terribly.
Then I scrapped that project and started over in React JS.
Anyways, what are the pros and cons of defining the Header and Footer like so:
const Header = () => {
return (
This is where I'd put my Nav Bar
const Footer = () => {
return (
copyright 2024
const App = () => {
return (
<Header />
The Entire Bee Movie Script might go here for example
<Footer />
Is there any issue with this sort of design versus storing the navbar and footer in a separate file and calling them as needed when pages load?
Funny story, the people also chose not to pursue campaign finance laws. It's been an issue on the DNC platform for 25 years, they even successfully removed the vast majority of money from politics until the Citizens United SCOTUS decision undid their work.