So, I do not follow Adin Ross, as he is an absolutely detestable idiot.
However, occasionally he does something so stupid it makes its way over to me.
5 months ago, in late February, Adin Ross and a bunch of idiot, barely not children, friends, shot the shit out of his CyberTruck with an AR 15.
To Adin's shock and dismay, this royally fucked up his lowpoly status symbol, with many shots going fully through.
Adin can be heard and seen begging, demanding Elon send him a new one.
Its completely absurd.
Fast forward to today.
Adin and XQC presented Donald Trump with a wrapped CyberTruck as a gift.
Ok, so other media are pointing out how this is probably an illegal amount for a donation to a Presidential candidate, how Trump sitting down and doing a stream with multiple 'influencers' is extremely problematic for many reasons...
But what I want to know is ...
... Is this a newly purchased CyberTruck? How could that be, given that the waitlist is huge? Did Elon personally order Tesla to speedrun fixing up or replacing Adin's CyberTruck?
Did XQC have one?
... Or did Adin Ross shoot the fuck out of a CyberTruck, get bits of it repaired, then wrap it in a wrap featuring the image of a triumphant Trump having barely missed being headshot from an assasin, and then give a vehicle full of bullet holes, covered up by a cheap wrap, to Trump?
I feel like I am losing my mind trying to comprehend the fractal layers of insane that would be to do.
Does anyone who maybe knows more about Adin or XQC know more details?
I really, really want it to be the case that I exist in a universe where something so profoundly stupid did not actually occur.
The people complaining about this in the article are largely hysterical and delusional.
Perfect embodiment of 'always online' brain.
They genuinely believe Twitch is some kind of public good, some kind of default level of infrastructure like plumbing, that just works, forever, with no problems, because magic.
Hosting videos almost no one watches is a waste of money, and deleting them is among the least worst things Twitch can do to keep the lights on.
Twitch is a massive loss leader in a hyperprofit oriented conglomerate megacorp, in a shit-tier economy thats primed to become a burning-dumpster-of-shit-tier economy very soon.
Amazon is giving people months of warning.
But people are freaking out.
If you want to save some videos... go buy a 1 or 2 or 4 TB HDD, internal or external, and start saving shit to it. 4 TB HDDs look like they're going for between roughly $80 to $150, or about 4 to 8 chipotle burritos delivered via personal chauffeur.
The vast majority of Twitch streams and thus highlights are in 1080p, 60fps, 6K bitrate.
Thats roughly 4.5 GB per hour, and thats rounding up.
These people complaining about 'oh it'd be a full time job to save 5,000 of footage'...
Come on.
Thats 6 of those 4 TB HDDs, for 5000 hours.
This has been around since 2018, and there are batch downloader clis that people have built off of it.
You wanna save 5000 hours of your shit?
Buy some HDDs, learn how to run some python.
The level of entitlement is ... just comical, basically.
The alternatives Twitch would be looking at, instead of reducing cost by axing tons of videos almost no one watches, would be things like:
Making watching streaming in higher resolutions/frame rates a premium tier cost for viewers,
Dramatically amping up the presence of unskippable advertisements,
Dramatically altering the revenue splits from ad revenue and how much of a streamer subscribers payment actually goes to the streamer,
Or keeping that split the same but jacking up viewer costs.