Etcher was a good piece of software. As soon as Balena bought it and stuffed their name in front, things started going south. I wish the weird name and shift to an unintuitive icon were the only things that had happened...
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Isn’t Balena’s entire business model taking things that could easily run locally and wedging a cloud dependency in to allow them to be profitably enshittified?
Use dd, or check out the Fedora Media Writer if you want a GUI tool.
There are like a dozen other ways to do what Etcher does so... 🤷
What's the point of including KeePass in Tails if it's effectively wiped on reboot? Am I misunderstanding?
I'm sure you could mount an encrypted volume.
Or just have the keepas db on a usb stick or something
You can enable a persistent volume on the start up screen or use it where it wipes on reboot.