I am on day two of disco elysium which I just started for the first time (no spoilers!). I’m enjoying it enough, I’m guessing it’s such a hit with people here because of the vibe and the ability to be a communist? It definitely has some good writing that hits home or makes me laugh. But as a “game” it hasn’t blown me away. Walking around the same 3 streets and doing dialogue trees and skill checks isn’t the most exciting or engaging gameplay, the fact that the dialogue is good is what is carrying it so far.
But as I said I’m only like halfway through the second day, I assume it’ll open up more. I just uncovered that there’s a deeper mystery to the initial inciting murder. Keen to see where it goes. And I’m definitely not not enjoying it. I’m just waiting for it to blow me away.
But yeh all the existential dread and depression and substance abuse, very cool very vibe.