It's obvious. The person with the gun has the advantage here.
If the other player had 3 untapped blue mana though, that would be a different story
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It's obvious. The person with the gun has the advantage here.
If the other player had 3 untapped blue mana though, that would be a different story
They have the mana to cast Teferi's protection though. The gun can't do much if the person's life total can't change.
Player C: one tactical nuclear weapon and questionable alliances.
Player Z:
This just reminded me I still have to find a champion and remove their heart so I can always have the heart of a champion on me.
It might be easier to buy an award winning gin so that you can have a winners spirit
Do bullets go in the stack?
Gun gives no advantage because you can't beat a dead opponent, because your cannot play against him.
Arrhichion approved.
What if you shoot his king tho
But the opponent has intrinsic motivation not to die, and that might lead to shifting priorities on the other hand of the table.
Then again, three untapped white lands could easily give 6 more life over time.
I suggest a new strategy, let the wookie win.
Man I love some Bosnian ape society videos.
The heart of the champion just makes player b op. The draw 4 just makes them a bully, player a needs the drugs just to survive.
sorry, this one goes to player B. Can't beat the gun strat with out a solid deck
How enhancing are these drugs? Like will they make you resistant to small arms fire?