If you go with Amazon you might get a PC that works with Linux but it probrally wont be preinstalled or optimized for Linux
Absolutely not, at least Soprano was interesting
Also 19864 was originally a subreddit that I used to be very active in and I just wanted it here (the rest is accurate)
If there are ten people at a table and one nazi there are ten Nazis at that table
You would probrally have to wait a very long time, keep in mind not all features (ex: Thunderbolt 3) are working on the t480. In addition I dont think the t580 is even supported by coreboot yet.
The leopard is always hungry for new faces
Thinkpad t480 with libreboot from minifree
Up until very recently the t480 didnt either
To be fair onehundrednintysix exists because the 196 mods are a bunch of shitlibs, also 19864 exists because tbh I thought it was funny and I still do (also its more left wing)
It was explicitly specified that no tinkering should be required, also even if you custom build a PC you wont have several advantages of just going with system76. For example the mini PC uses their fork of coreboot and intigrates with Pop_OS, meanwhile on other systems you would need to manually install coreboot (if its even supported) and bios updates are still an absolute mess (even if you dont care about the privacy benefits of coreboot the extremely fast start up speed alone makes it valuable).
Slightly higher but yeah, also you get a premium PC with no RGB and a wooden finish
No hornyposting, also sex isnt real, basically 196 but Ace :3 (and even more leftist)