You awkwardly wrap your lips around the rim, then pull your head back.
Remember to relax your throat. It's gonna come quick.
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You awkwardly wrap your lips around the rim, then pull your head back.
Remember to relax your throat. It's gonna come quick.
Yes, I would like a refund on my ability to read.
I can see it - a face full of tea
Roll your tongue into a tube and suck the drink through it, obviously!
I am a skeleton so I don't care or I use OP isekai magic to teleport liquid straight to my stomach.
I am a skeleton
In Overlord, there's a scene where the skeleton protagonist eats a cookie and catches the crumbles crumbling out of his jaw with his hand below. :D
I will wait till its room temperature then I am going to pour it on my face, slowly, not breaking eye contact. Like people in bottled water ads do. Is there any other way?
bendy straw... with a pinky out
Not just bendy but one of those ones that does a bunch of loops and goes around your eyes
So, I have the same issue with these coffee cups that were gifted to us:
They're almost square. They're squircles, technically. You gotta hold it at about a 45 degree angle to drink from it. You drink at the corner
That bump frightens me. I'm awkwardly turning my wrist an extra 45° to drink at the straighter part.
Nose in, snort deep
oh, I see, those round edges are for the nose
From the bump to the left of the handle (if right handed). It's pretty close to the angle I'd hold the cup anyway, so shouldn't be uncomfortable at all.
Ignore the handle and hold it between your hands to get it at a usable angle, surreptitiously cooling the tea with an ice spell to avoid burning your fingers.