When I wake up in the morning, if my face looks a little puffy I put on an ice pack while I do my stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower, I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey/almond body scrub, and on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb/mint facial mask, which I leave on for 10 minutes, while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older, then moisturizer, then anti-aging eye balm, followed by moisturizing protective lotion.
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Feed me a stray cat
I have a bottle of Dr. Bronners soap that I use for everything
I recommend the book How Not to Age by Dr. Michael Greger, he has a lot of recommendations about what skin care ingredients and chemicals are actually backed by science. It cites a lot of research, and I think it's a pretty comprehensive overview of the subject. It also has other information on aging, not just skincare. Definitely don't hit me up if you want a digital copy of it (epub, also available in the usual places)
Dr. Greger is unironically a gigachad, his book How Not to Die changed my life. I want to read all of his books
serious answer
Before bed I use an exfoliating silicon pad under lukewarm water with a gentle cleanser, and shave about once a week with jojoba oil. After gently toweling off I apply a pea-sized drop of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide cream, and brush my teeth while I wait for that to dry. Once dry to the touch I slug on serum, then a light moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, then a slightly heavier one with niacinimide and jojoba oil (love that stuff), and then I cap all of that off with a layer of cheap-ass petroleum jelly. Hence, slugging.
In the morning I just rinse off all the goop from last night, then apply makeup w/SPF. Seems to work pretty well!
But actually I use Axe 7-in-1: bodywash, shaving creme, shampoo, conditioner, moisturizer, toothpaste, and protein shake.
You can add some to coffee as a dairy replacement too
My skin is ridiculously sensitive. I probably damaged the shit out of my skin barrier with all those stridex pads and astringents that were super popular when I was 14.
Idk if it's making much of a difference, but I use Vanicream cleanser, Neutrogena retinol, then aveeno moisturizer. I may also add a layer of aveeno oat restore cream or whatever too.
I was slugging with Vaseline for a while and I think that seemed to work but my brain is broken and im.exhausted all the time so I stopped
I was slugging with Vaseline for a while
I just wanna be pureeeee
I just use whatever products my wife buys me. I think CeraVe. It’s a face wash, retinol serum, let that settle by doing the rest of my routine and then facial moisturizer lotion with spf in it (30 maybe?). I’ve had people at my work place think I’m ten years younger than I actually am, so I assume it’s working.
Face wash, toner, a serum with hyaluronic acid, and a neutral light moisturiser. SPF sun cream in the summer. I’m not really an expert but keeping your face clean, moisturised, and protected from the sun are the most important aspects, and a lot will depend on if you have dry or oily skin, what climate you live in, etc.
Low dose Isotretinoin. It makes my fingers dry so a bit of moisturizer.
wash with water and Aveeno moisturiser when i get up and again before bed. if I take a shower or feel really greasy I'll use a cetaphil cleanser to wash with. that's it. and try drink enough water but i suck at it. spf is for sure important too but i haven't sought out one that i like that's non oily. I've heard the spf moisturisers are snake oil.
Zero routine, I wash my face with warm water in the shower using my hands, maybe once a week I use a simple facial wash. I use a pretty basic body wash with nothing fancy in it and my skin is soft and clear. I also have a terrible diet and don't drink enough water.
I know plenty of people have to do more to keep from getting flakey skin or acne but this works for me. In my view it seems a lot of skincare stuff is BS marketing, but I think I may not be the norm so I don't mean to shame anyone that has an intensive routine.
Wash myself with Kirkland soap, and then use Kirkland's body lotion.
i have never used anything
i take a shower and that's it
Some Korean face wash I found on sale at an outlet store cheap in the morning and night before bed, Aveeno face moisturizer after that
Exfoliate like once a week with a wash cloth
That's about it, been working for me so far pretty well
Used to neglect it almost entirely and got dry skin on the side of my nose, that's cleared up now