I get the rocket and coriander ones, also the units of measurement but what do you call a bell pepper? (Also how do you differentiate dried cilantro seed powder from the fresh herb? I like to know if I should be using a spice or the fresh plant)
Long time resident of California. Previous resident of Denmark (never a citizen though). I'd welcome this with open arms.
California has its own version of GDPR already.
https://wikispeedruns.com/ is ridiculously fun and really tickles the same mental areas as crosswords for me
Also find it funny he was commenting how much he likes SF because it reminds him of Europe. Welcome to Utah. Whoops.
I say this as a huge dubs fan, long time bay area resident, watch every game etc. What playoffs?
Obviously you need lots of GPUs to run large deep learning models. I don't see how that's a fault of the developers and researchers, it's just a fact of this technology.
In deep learning generally open source doesn't include actual training or inference code. Rather it means they publish the model weights and parameters (necessary to run it locally/on your own hardware) and publish academic papers explaining how the model was trained. I'm sure Stallman disagrees but from the standpoint of deep learning research DeepSeek definitely qualifies as an "open source model"
Cannabis. At least most major cities in Europe/North America I find it really common now to openly smell cannabis all hours of the day. Combination of the strains being MUCH stronger and legalization. Even just 20 years back, of course in the Haight in SF or certain parts of NYC you'd smell it, or outside clubs/bars at night. But today I walk through Downtown SF at 830am and smell it every other block. Was in the design district in NYC a few weeks back and same deal.
Ughhh that was my fear. Haven't built a desktop in probably 20 years. I definitely worry about the time sink mostly in deciding every component, researching if it'll work with linux, sourcing it, hoping it's authentic, etc. Any recent guides you could recommend if I have to go down that route?
The National Rosie the Riveter museum in Richmond California (a stone's throw from Berkeley, SF, Oakland, etc) removed an LGBT exhibit. They also weren't told to do it but did so proactively so as not to fall afoul of Trump's anti DEI order.
My poor wife got shingles at 39 last year. Her doc was like "yeah it's definitely shingles, welcome to firmly middle aged"