My favorite political thought leaders are Bernie Sanders, Luke Skywalker, and Anime Cat Boyfriend
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So the anime vtuber is sykunno who apparently just joined cuz his friends were in there and he was like oh ok sure ill join which i think is hilarious because it means bernie wasnt aware there was gonna be an anime cat boy on this call and he just joins i wanna know what bernie was thinking as an old person who probably has no idea what a vtuber is.
I bet he was like "Ok time to do my little spheel about how bad Trump is... wait what the fuck. Why is one of those cartoon people in here. I need to retire...."
edit: i just watched the moment when bernie meets sykunno as a vtuber and sykunno says "do you think hes confused by me? Hey senator normally i have a real face but i have a skin condition and am using this avatar." and bernie says in the most DEFEATED voice "Ok....." i am dying!
Then he asks bernie if he knows whaf a vtuber is and bernie says "nOPe!"
This is even better than trump working at mcdonalds omg
Lmao yeah that sounds like Sykkuno. No idea about his politics but the man loves to troll
he was muted talking to his chat about stuff and when mark hamill joined he was like "Who is that? Mark Ham meal? huh?" "OH ITS LUKE SKYWALKER WHAT?" and his anime avatar is clearly moving its mouth and stuff talking but hes muted lmao.
Luke Skywalker
That's who that is, I thought after squinting at the thumbnail for a second that had finally shaved.
Luke Skywalker
The Animated Jonkler
lmao apparently all their apolitical audiences absolutely hated the stream, particularly Pokimane's
That's what happens when you ignore politics for 4 years and then out of nowhere post DNC friendly shit streams
I wonder how much they paid them to appear. Seems like the vast majority of streamers do the math on these kinds of things and set the price tag high enough for the number of fans they'll lose over 15 minutes of being 'political'
"You are, explicitly, not getting anything out of your Democrat support. Nevertheless, it's 4 PM. Time for your cartoon cat-boy zoom call, man who was alive during WW2."
"Yes, Future Madam President"
When people say Russian communist party and LDP are psy ops for United Russia
And you have Bernie’s independent rooting for the democratic party
so using their one chance of talking to a real senator, have they asked him about ~~raytheon stock prices~~ pisrael?
Wait...the hell is this???
Some sort of vote for Kamala outreach to influencers being done by Bernie it seems. No idea why Luke Skywalker (who had a horrific pro genocide statement if people forgot/didn't know) is there. Maybe the Kamala people felt that Bernie wouldn't sufficiently promote genocide.
I hold my ignorance as a sign of my superiority here
The fact that I instantly recognized everyone in this screenshot is definitely adding to the duration of my reeducation camp stay
Btw this was organized by a pac associated with Destiny fans and Vaushites
Luke telling you to for the First order against the Sith eternal!!!!
Why is there a cartoon bottom left
It's a Vtuber model for another streamer, they're rigged models that reflect the expressions of the real person onto the avatar so that they can remain anonymous if they want. I think that's sykkuno, who uses a vtuber model on occasion and is part of that friend group.
I guess it's nice that that person didn't use yet another vocaloid waifu avatar at least. Critical support for catboy novelty.
Anyone who thinks it's weird to see Austin Show up there needs to go back and listen to him talk about politics. The guy is definitely voting for Kamala, even though he lives in big blue California. He did a thing with the "I Had It" ladies at the DNC and I think has been on their show at least once, maybe twice. They love him! They're "as progressive as they come™".
This is real? I may need to lay down.
Austin you brain dead lib
Mr show sir, your fired
Austin show cmon man I thought you were better than this
Him being a mega-lib is an ongoing joke in Hasan’s community lol
I thought the guy in the top left was a progressive?
progressive doesn't mean anything, it did in 1924 but in 2024 it contains zero content just vibes
In 1924 it meant dudes who supported eugenics and racial hygiene to create a white utopia
So... not much has changed? (Semi-joking obviously)
Americans (can't speak for others) seem to use the word to signal basically they support the Democratic Party but also want them to be "less corporatist." Which is a pipe dream.
They generally are pro "good things" domestically (free healthcare, education including college, making housing more available to end homelessness, etc.) but are ignorant of or, imo, actively refuse to acknowledge foreign policy aka USA's genocidal 8 decades long policies towards the third world and total commitment to not actually letting humanity progress. Also, the domestic policy is nebulous ranging from a Bernie style "everyone is covered, no exceptions" to... whatever fuckery the insurance companies tell Obama or Hillary, etc. to push on any given day/year.
every four years we're reminded how much more education is needed even here on the communist bear site
“Progressive” lmao
The dudes pushing scientific racism and eugenics at the turn of the century also called themselves “progressives”
It’s a useless label that’s so broad that fascists feel comfortable under it.
He is Hasan Piker's liberal friend.
Hasan at home
Is this the revival of Austin’s dating show?
Find a man who loves you like Bernie loves the genocidal heads of the Democratic Party 😍
Who are they?
All I have are dark thoughts after looking at that and i am tired of seeing the nazi supporter Luke Skywalker popping up so frequently these days.