Let's say you'd never seen a bus before but you have seen a cat, would you design it
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Fifteen comically chaotic, bumbling, self-defeating henchmen, at that.
We could have been riding around in that sweet ride instead of my crappy Nissan Stanza.
“We’re going to have so many henchmen…”
I prefer the butter-glider myself
Really unique looking car. Seems to be a 1950s cab over engine Chevrolet based on reverse image search. A lot of people calling it a Suburban but I think it looks different than photos of Suburbans I've found from that era. Maybe it's been modified, idk.
It's a 1954 Chevy COE 5700, but it looks like those only came in flatbed. Pic makes it look like it's been retrofitted with the back end of a 1954 Chevy 3100 panel van. It's probably Photoshop. The panel van's back end doesn't look long enough to do this. It could have been done irl by someone determined enough to make it happen - but then it wouldn't look like it does in the OP.
My fil is right beside me says it's definitely cab-over panel truck he thinks they made that style(cab-over) '48-56. Sometimes he has trouble remembering things. Not cars though - especially Chevys.
Now that you say this, it does look a lot like the trucks from this era. Most of the photos I've found have flatbeds but you can clearly see the same shape in this photo. I wonder if they sold a panel truck like this or if it was modified to be enclosed.
I’ve owned a 50’s Surburban. This ain’t that.
That baby is begging to be a Herkimer Battlejitney.
Wait! You have a Herkimer Battle Jitney? That's the finest nonlethal military vehicle ever made!
Just junk it
When your minivan gets stung by a bee.
Isn't this pretty much what Gru drives but with a lift kit?
Is that a herkemir battle jitney?
I love that movie
Aaaand now I have to watch it again!
Watch what?
Mystery Men -- that beast looks like a Herkimer Battle Jitney!
It looks like it's coming right out of the fallout franchise.
My mind went to Gotham city police vans in BATS.
This could easily be the Vault-Tec salesman's van if painted that way.
Anthill Mob from Wacky Races.
I'm sure you can even fit a couple more guys in the engine bay
That's the secret weapon. You pop the hood, and the two shortest goons with tommyguns spring into action.
Probably the funniest part of that is it's only half a joke. I have sat inside the engine bay of my 56 bel air. If a simple sedan can fit me under the hood imagine how much more excess space this van has under that tall hood compared to its small grill. The engine can't be talking that much space if it needs that much ventilation.
Can they be giant Rastafarian eyeballs with tec-9s?
I'm afraid to ask what this is...
But it's a Chevy so you'd never get them anywhere.
Nice driveway ornament though.
That's Old Chevy when they just ran. Before all the corporate bullshit that turned great companies into cash cows that released medeocre products and relied on their past reputation.
And sadly Chevy (GM) is still the best of the domestic brands. All two of them.
It isn't even the second best.
Yeah guys how can ya forget about the s3xy Cybertruk fleet!
And in case that wasn't clear /S
Even number of sarcasm punctuation so it cancels out.
I can't believe you're serious.
Damn you Satan!
Hired goons?
It's da bat!
now that's a paddy wagon.
Not only in the transporter. There are drive-by shooting platforms on both sides. How convenient.