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Hey! It's Phelpssan! I love reading these posts of yours.
You gave me some very good recommendations for VNs (which I unfortunately haven't gotten around to playing yet), and now I want some recommendations for rhythm games, since you love them so much. I have tried getting into them, but haven't had much luck. I tried Superbeat: Xonic but couldn't get the hang of controls. I remember liking Aviici Invector, don't remember why I stopped playing it, maybe got busy or something, should give it another try. I also tried Patapon, but kept failing second or third level, though I have heard there is some lag in PS4 remake, so maybe that's the issue, not sure.
With all this, which ones do you think I should try? Or if I should try any at all.
BTW I have Theatrhythm Final Bar Line on my wishlist, it looks interesting.
I tend to prefer the simpler, arcade-style rhythm games. Think of stuff like Guitar Hero or Dance Dance Revolution.
Definitely try Theatrhythm Final Bar Line. It's very fun gameplay-wise, has a ridiculous amount of content (something like 380 tracks on the base game, with 100+ extras as DLC if you get the premium version), the RPG elements are interesting, and if you are a fan of FF games it's also a huge nostalgia trip. There's even a free demo with 30 songs which lets you get a good taste of the game.
Project Diva Megamix is my favorite "no frills" game in this genre - just choose a song and start playing. Tons of tracks, gets crazy intense on the higher difficulties. But it's a vocaloid game, and not everyone will enjoy this type of music. There's also a PS4 version which is essentially the same game with better graphics but no option to use motion controls.
Taiko Drum Master games are generally fun, in particular if you can get your hands on a physical drum, but even on a regular controller I have a good time with these.
There's Old School Musical which is a hilarious indie rhythm game with chiptune tracks inspired by 8-bit and 16-bit classics. Doesn't have as much content as some of the games above, but it's also fairly cheap and fun.
As for more "unique" rhythm games, I enjoy Thumper, which is kinda hard to describe but it's a metal rhythm game on a racing track of sorts, and Crypt of the Necrodancer which is a rhythm-based roguelike. There's also a Zelda crossover for this last one called Cadence of Hyrule , but I haven't played it yet.
Thanks for the list, saved the post. Will start with Theatrhythm, and see how it goes.