
joined 2 months ago

As if Call of Duty isn't a US military asset?

[–] 16 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Hexbears leaning into imperialist chauvinism when the empire goes after a country they don’t like?

I mean to be fair often those are their true colors lol.

[–] 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (8 children)

"I'm an anti-imperialist socialist! Oh except for when the target of imperialism is a country I don't like"

For fucks sake is this the state of western leftist discourse now? Honestly it's not too far from the "I want to support Gaza, but the Moooozlims there are anti-LGBT so yeah...." shit that liberals say.

[–] 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I know from ppl who are living there first hand that there are still a lot of issues. I've also experienced some of these myself first hand.

One being the youth unemployment crisis. It's not just the west hyping it up, it's real. So many college students dread what will happen when they graduate.

Also the 996 thing is still SUPER common (fyi 996 = 9am-9pm 6 days a week). There also aren't things like age discrimination laws, so postings for jobs will explicitly tell you whether you're too old/young for the job. This isn't just for jobs, but even uni's will have age limits for undergrads, grads, phds, etc. That's one of the holdovers from the Confucian shit I'm afraid.

Unfornately racism is still a thing, with "white worship" still being pretty prevalent. A lot of Chinese ppl want to date "foreigners" but what that means is (white) foreigners. A lot of the immigrants from Africa/South Asia are kind of looked down upon. I know someone who was talking to recruiters for jobs in China and the recruiter straight up told the person that even tho their qualifications matched the job posting, they wouldn't get it because the job was for a white person (despite the job posting not mentioning such a thing).

There's also the gender gap due to the one child policy. There are soo many more men of marriageable age than women, and it's not gonna be good to have a bunch of lonely guys who are susceptible of going down the incel pipeline. There are literally marriage markets where parents desperately try to find a wife for their son. Unless something changes, it's not gonna be pretty.

Also there's also a lot of Chinese ppl that have an irrational hatred of pretty much anything related to Japan, including Japanese ppl. And it's not the Japanese empire from the past, but actually hating on Japanese ppl of today. Like yeah the Japanese did do heinous shit back in the day and the current gov is still western aligned, but your ordinary Japanese citizen is just like most ppl in the world (trying to scrape by).

And a whole bunch of other issues that I can't remember at the moment.

So yeah, while I think China is heading in the right direction, there are still many issues that need to be addressed.

It's only Luigi according to the police, who I don't believe. And for whatever reason, Breht didn't retract the video so I think he's still sticking with it.

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