
joined 7 months ago
[–] 4 points 3 hours ago

genau genommen geben sie der Partei dann noch ca. 1€ pro Stimme aus der Parteienfinanzierung.

[–] 7 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Ja, das sind aber extrem wenige.
Dass alle wählen wird nie passieren.

Beim durchschnittlichen Krankenstand hast du schon allein 3% die einfach spontan zu krank sind um wählen zu gehen.

[–] 34 points 3 hours ago

Die zuerst ausgezählten Gemeinden sind halt auch die wo Manfred und Siggi nach Auszählung ihrer eigenen Stimmen schon fertig sind weil da sonst niemand mehr wohnt.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

Uninstall the browser and any social media apps. Google Maps and Signal aren't what's damaging your mental health.

[–] 7 points 5 hours ago (1 children)

I wasn't trying to refute anything you said, just adding context.
The election was a warning, but the demonstrations before it gave me hope, and the result shows that Germany's political system is resilient even against 20% Nazis.
(I personally believe that 20% Nazis in Germany is almost a constant. It certainly hasn't changed much in the 40 years I've been alive.)

[–] 3 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (2 children)

Ich hab diesmal tatsächlich zum ersten Mal in 5 Bundestagswahlen nicht die Grünen gewählt.
Habeck's 10-Punkte-Plan ("Mehr SiChErHeIt für DeUtScHlAnD", mehr Befugnisse für die Polizei) zeigte voll in die falsche Richtung, und das Jung und Naiv Interview mit Jan Van Aken hat mich überzeugt, dass die Partei nicht mehr von Spinnern und Parolengrölern geleitet wird.
Klar, zum Thema Ukraine hat die Linke keine Lösung, aber nach 3 Jahren Stellungskrieg a la WW1 muss man eingestehen, dass die anderen Parteien auch keine haben.

[–] 17 points 5 hours ago (3 children)

Nazis won’t be part of the government after this result. The conservatives have stated before the election that they won’t form a coalition with the far right AfD, the green party or the left party. But with this result, they have a majority with the social democrats alone.

This will be a stable, centrist, boring government, typically German. Too little progress, but no catastrophe, and no threat to EU democracy, nor to international obligations or support for Ukraine. Neither party are Putin bootlickers either.

In the opposition, the greens and the left combined have more seats than the AfD. And 84% turnout is the highest since 1987!!!

[–] 25 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (1 children)

Nazis won’t be part of the government after this result.
The conservatives have stated before the election that they won’t form a coalition with the far right AfD, the green party or the left party. But with this result, they have a majority with the social democrats alone.

This will be a stable, centrist, boring government, typically German. Too little progress, but no catastrophe, and no threat to EU democracy, nor to international obligations or support for Ukraine. Neither party are Putin bootlickers either.

In the opposition, the greens and the left combined have more seats than the AfD. And 84% turnout is the highest since 1987!!!

[–] 39 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (4 children)

Nazis won’t be part of the government after this result.
The conservatives have stated before the election that they won’t form a coalition with the far right AfD, the green party or the left party. But with this result, they have a majority with the social democrats alone.

This will be a stable, centrist, boring government, typically German. Too little progress, but no catastrophe, and no threat to EU democracy, nor to international obligations or support for Ukraine. Neither party are Putin bootlickers either.

In the opposition, the greens and the left combined have more seats than the AfD.
And 84% turnout is the highest since 1987!!!

[–] 13 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (5 children)

Nazis won’t be part of the government after this result. The conservatives have stated before the election that they won’t form a coalition with the far right AfD, the green party or the left party. But with this result, they have a majority with the social democrats alone.

This will be a stable, centrist, boring government, typically German. Too little progress, but no catastrophe, and no threat to EU democracy, nor to international obligations or support for Ukraine. Neither party are Putin bootlickers either.

In the opposition, the greens and the left combined have more seats than the AfD. And 84% turnout is the highest since 1987!!!

[–] 1 points 8 hours ago

Ich hatte einen von Busch und Müller


I can't seem to wrap my head around (Docker) containers and especially their maintenance.
As I understand it, containers contain a stripped-down OS that shares some resources with the host?
Or is it more like a closed-off part of the file system?

Anyway, when I have several containers running on a host system,
Do I need to keep them all updated separately? If so, how?
Or is it enough to update the host system, and not worry about the containers?


Franziska Brantner wurde in meinem Wahlkreis als Direktkandidatin für die Grünen in den Bundestag gewählt.
Letztes Wochenende hat sie an meiner Tür geklingelt und mich gebeten, an der kommenden Wahl teilzunehmen und eine der demokratischen Parteien zu wählen.
Erst danach hab ich realisiert, dass sie die Bundesvorsitzende der Grünen ist.
Und das hat mich schon beeindruckt — im aktuellen politischen Klima bei all der Hetze, die sich von rechts auf die Grünen entlädt, als Bundesvorsitzende der Partei von Tür zu Tür zu gehen und Flyer zu verteilen, erfordert Einiges an Mut.
Das hab ich ihr dann auch so geschrieben, zur Zeit können demokratische Volksvertreter glaube ich Zuspruch und positives Feedback auch brauchen.
Mal gespannt ob sie darauf antwortet.

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