Russia got duped by India where India promised to build large ship tankers for Russia. I just don't understand how Russia agreed on it. It's a total scam from India's side. India will not pay Yuan because of it's racism and nationalism but it doesn't have a credible currency to back their transfers.
India has become a de facto fascist country and it's working class has been infected with nationalism and ahistorical Hinduism. Hinduism is an extremely fascistic religion from the vedic age. As Zionists say there was no Palestine, hindus build artificial history to justify their anti Christian and anti Muslim campaigns
Meitei is a hindufied community and kuki (predominantly Christian) is also a tribal community living in hills of Manipur. There is a problem within the kuki community as many came from Myanmar due to violence and poverty. Indian government is extremely intolerant towards other religions because Hinduism is a fascistic religion (upper warrior and priests clan/caste controls much of India along with neo warrior clans) . Now, under the excuse that kuki have illegally setted in Manipur, state government which is run by BJP is supplying arms and ammunition to hindu militia to kill and destroy kuki community.
In India we have casteism and hindutva fascism.
muh white people !
I like chaos and such...
I am not saying Ukrainian should die but it's the audacity of a US ambassador to post about Ukraine and not Gaza
Putin is much like Nehru and Nasser.... Anti colonialist in 2023 that i would say. Neither Nehru or Nasser were pro communist .
It's accurate more or less. The massacre and the plot was very real.
Done.... Okay
It was not a communal violence. Meitei is a hindufied community and kuki is a tribal community live in hills. They want to genocide the latter because they have affiliation to christianity
Why we have to get involved in every Chinese event and politics, that's their country and people. They will decide what's good for them.