Thank you, I don’t know what the thought process behind someone doing this is but I’m actually kinda sad it’s this uncommon. I wonder what the interracial marriage rates are between Palestinians and Israelis. Like it is lower than America or South Africa or what? Intermingling is maybe a bandaid to a gunshot wound here but it says a lot about society there when you never hear of it happening, during segregation/reconstruction/slavery in the US there was probably more of it proportionally than there is right now. In Palestine.
Claiming antizionists and zionists are not the same culture is the no true scotsman fallacy. There are parts about being Jewish one does not choose, but one can choose to not associate with zionists and the simplest way to do that is to just leave the religion.
Humanity can remain an industrialized society while decreasing consumption significantly, and space has little to do with that transition. The human need for space is nothing more than satellites, we will never need a white man on Mars, we will never need astroid mining or manufacturing, we don’t need deep space probes, we don’t need a human in space, we don’t need a space station. All investment in space is military investment, all space programs are military programs. While cutting space programs will hurt scientific progress, demilitarization is preferable. If we had a ww3 there would be huge scientific breakthroughs, it wouldn’t be worth it though, not unless the left would unambiguously win that war, and we wouldn’t want to have that war for science.
And say communists did gain full control, space would not be their priority. We would cancel all the moon missions, we would axe basically all the shit nasa is doing, the entire planet could be serviced by a few spaceports. In 1000 years there would probably not be a man on mars still as there will always be a more important issue on Earth. The only reason the Soviet Union developed a space program was that the nazis fired rockets at them and had to develop it defensively. Humanity’s scientific advancement in a communist society would be focused on more mundane things if there is no pressure from reactionary forces. The good future is one with no ai, no space, no megaprojects. Stagnation would be good.
All space colonization is a colossal fuck up. Let’s remain in earth picking nuts and berries instead paying for a billionaire to mine water on some far flung space object in our solar system that we will never be able to go to.
New York City?
How would you like a settler colonialist state in your settler colonialist state?
That entirely dependent on your girth stat, it’s like charisma but more dependent on your physical ability to stand real close to somebody to intimidate them. Whoever can block out the most sun with their immense figure naturally becomes the cult of personality leader like in real life.
Arguing about the rules would be the game.
No. Just because a life is salvageable doesn’t mean we should expend the resources to do so. There are so many Black men being held in literal slavery in the US prison system they deserve all resources first compared to any fucking incel. Even if we did have the resources to give everyone mental care, we should not give it to incels because their suffering is good, they are the people we want to dispossess as communists. We should not spare any effort in trying to deradicalize the right, they made their bed now they should lie in it.
In gay soviet russia the prefix bi mean any and all genders and not two. Why? Fuck you!
Do they even need nukes if Pakistan has them?
Imagine the smell