
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

Nacho keys......................................... Nacho money

[–] 7 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

He pretends to hate the same undesirables, tho

[–] 6 points 5 hours ago (6 children)

type using full stops


[–] 4 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Accidentally or for some of them sweet, sweet sympathyUpvotes

[–] 4 points 13 hours ago (3 children)

No like theres lots of written works that are called Meditations, most famously Marcus Aurelius but its also a frequent title for other works

[–] 1 points 14 hours ago (7 children)

Write a "meditations" on whatever

[–] 0 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) (1 children)

Isn't Sheinbaum alledgedly associated with the cartels?

[–] 2 points 16 hours ago (2 children)

Who has she actually screwed over tho (without disputing your thesis because I basically agree with it)

[–] 2 points 16 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

I dont judge her or view her any differently, she just has a reputation for romances ending and becoming songs

In all honesty, relationships and life are hard and I dont judge anyone for trying to put themself out there


Please explain why or why not. Jokes have been made about her fans not wanting her to settle down and be happy because it would affect her creative output and also I think its like KPop or whatever where the fans want her to be pure and perfect and never act outside of industry expectations and such


fresh one

When they offhand say just to replace something variably super pricy with the spare you keep or have the butler fetch you a new one

Or like Peter did on Family Guy when he messes up writing his contact on a gun, balls it up like its made of paper and trashes it asking for a fresh handgun to do it correctly

  • fuzzy peaches
  • sour watermelons
  • tangy strawberries
  • sour cherry blasters
  • ...

Isn't that like Apu on Simpsons or whatever

I legit can't imagine wearing anything other than low-rise fr.


They've done so many weird bits involving Hawaii lol


I must stress this has nothing to do with being boring, what I'm interestedare folks who lulllyou to sleep through the smoothness and flow and safety you feel from their sustained speech independant from their content.

  1. If you had to pinpoint, what about their voice or schtick makes them so hypnotic...?

You can sort of still feel and sense the attatck and the vestibular effect of the keys being played despite their tones being filtered out?


Immersive audio that washes over you and is cathartic?


Thinking about thinking


This usually is discussed in the context of head hair but I wonder if it cant also apply to body haie elsewhere that is actually unwanted and wanted to have removed....

Like if you cornrow your pubes super tight wouldnt that eventually damage it and cause regional or irregular alopecia that is analagous to the head alopecia that happens to people who wear damaging hairstyles

Thats an extreme and arbitrary example btw, got nothing against pubis as Borat would say lol

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