I sure as hell hope so. But I can't be certain anymore. So much weird, hyperbolic shit has happened or been said in the past 3 months, it makes headlines from The Onion seem reasonable in comparison.
Besides Pearl Harbour, was American soil ever invaded?
Pretty sure The Netherlands didn't hold elections in that time. Pretty sure England didn't hold elections either. Or Poland...
And yet Russia isn't exactly winning either. A smaller country is putting a much bigger country, with a supposedly much bigger, better equipped military, into a back-and-forth stale-mate that has lasted well over a year.
Yes, there is a lot of gung-ho propaganda out there. But if it's truly completely wrong... Why wasn't Ukraine conquered already well before the first aid from allies arrived?
You want to have sexual intercourse with Ukrainians?
Out of all the conflicts in the world, Ukraine is the simplest, most black and white one there is. It's one country invading another, and quite openly stating they want the other country to do as they say, or else.
Ukraine didn't attack Russia. There are no Ukrainian terrorist cells bombing places within Russian borders. There are none of the things in this conflict that wouid make it complicated.
It's one country invading another.
So ask yourself; do you condone unprovoked invasions?
Looking more like modern Europe means you're going to have to fight, maybe even physically fight, the rather distressingly large population of very rascal right wingers your country has.
If your government collapses and it's not you who'll stick your neck out for it to be remade in a different way, then there'll be someone who comes along and remakes it in an even worse way.
That very optimistic, considering what Musk is doing g with AfD, and how they are distressingly gaining power.
Or the right wing situation in France...
Anything "extreme" has never been a good thing, that's why it's called extreme. But this sort of opinion can also get you a lot of backlash.
Funny you should mention this. I got banned from several communities for saying something like this.
Can someone tell me about these cards? I've literally never heard of them before now. Obviously they're not big performers, but what are they like?
I think NVidia is already getting a kick in the ass.
The first GPU I bought was a GTX 1060 with 6GB. A legendary card I kept using until just last year November.
What did I upgrade to?
Why Intel of course. The A770 is cheaper than a AMD of the same performance range, and has a weird quirk where it actually does better at 1440p than similar cards. Very likely the spacious VRAM, which is also nice to have for the 3D work I do.
I didn't upgrade past the 1060 earlier because the 20 series wasn't that big enough of a leap, and the 30 series is where a lot of Nvidia's bullshit started.
My phone still comes preinstalled with a bunch of crap and I want it gone. Like I'm never going to use Google Games, I'm never going to use LinkdIn, I'm never going to use YouTube Music, or Opera Web Browser. None of these apps I can remove without root.