I only saw him in concert once.
If you are in IT I'd hope you know some version of Unix. Consumers I wouldn't expect them to know, they just want it to work and don't care about configurations and how it works.
Losing your phone now is like losing not just your wallet but simple access to everything.
Even if I was willing to download all of those apps I don't have room for them. They chew up 50-300mb each (why!?) and if I installed all of them I'd run out of memory. Since most phones now don't support memory expansion I have to be picky about which ones I use.
I have THREE separate parking apps because I travel.
Even the homeless in my city have smartphones.
"Continue reading this on the reddit/instagram/tik tok/blablah app" No, I didn't need to see it that badly.
They gerrymandered my state and the courts said it was ok
Assuming they get off their asses and vote this time. Also they need to learn their lesson and focus on a few issues and more on working class American economic issues and less on identity politics.
43 percent support what Trump has done in his first month
43% would touch a hot oven burner
Every dictator needs toadies to do their dirty work though. Hitler had his Himmler, Stalin his Beria.
He was entertainment to them. He's like the frat brother who suddenly says "Let's do a road trip to Florida!" (from NY) and everyone just laughs and goes "Ok, sure". Then they see him loading up the car.