[–]VerthiasGoldwater Conservative 21 points 1 day ago
Guys I just want a balanced budget and less federal government corruption.
This is gold medal satire.
[–]VerthiasGoldwater Conservative 21 points 1 day ago
Guys I just want a balanced budget and less federal government corruption.
This is gold medal satire.
Now all you can do is ride the train and wait for endless lawsuits to playout with disingenuous participants
There is a lot more you can do. Stop being defeatist. This kind of attitude got us into the train wreck that is 21st. Century US in the first place. And not accepting the oligarchy presenting you two flavors of oligarchy to vote between is part of what needs to be changed.
Yeah, and other people led successful military campaigns and even empires at that age.
Alexander "the great" was 20 years old, when he got into power.
Scipio who later defeated Hannibal got his name on the roaster for a daring charge as an 18 years old officer.
Pennypacker was 16-19 years old when he became captain in the US Union army and was 20-22 when he became Brigardier General and was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1865
This is just some quick examples i found, but history is riddled with young people excelling in leadership roles.
Lags am fehlenden Kaffe oder daran, dass du weiter einen schlechten Schlafrhythmus hattest?
Does that matter though? e.g. if you do a nuclear strike, wouldn't you bring enough support to make sure the nuke reaches its target?
Rügen ist leider trotz Tourismus eine Nazi Hochburg.
Und ich meine, dass man auch den "Dorf Sherrifs" zu Beginn jeder Wahlkampfzeit ne Stunde Auffrischung geben kann. Flyer verteilen i.O., was muss auf den Flyern stehen?, Hitlerbart aufs Plakat malen verboten, etc.
Und Peter Altmailer hat aus der Groko munter die Energiewende blockiert und im Schatten der GroKo fing die AfD an zu wachsen.
Und warum hat die AfD keine Maske mehr auf?
Nicht ein Bundesland ohne schwarz oder blau in dieser Grafik...
Wobei Die Schleswig Holstein CDU wahrscheinlich grüner ist als die BaWü Grünen und sozialer als die Berliner SPD.
The other day a colleague send me the pdf of some documentation standard he uses. In the media section it recommendee using HD Floppy discs with 1.44MB as all computers have a ready drive for it. CDs were described as being written with a special tool and then readable by a special laser drive, but suitable for long term data storage...
Today i had to ask a 15 year old, if he is familiar with CDs, because chance is most notebooks stopped having CD drives by the time he learned to read.
Consumer boycotts, blocking plants, demonstrations...