They should be like the EU and add another three zeros to the fine. Maybe then would Adolf Musk give a shit.
This link seems to be dead already, or did you write it incorrectly?
"Political Correctness", "Social Justice Warrior", "Woke", "Diversity, Equality, Inclusivity"; the shit-for-brains bigots will always try to make their hatred seem reasonable and just. Don't be fooled!
I had a little argument with one of my parents about a certain Linus Tech Tips video that compared the customer support of certain pre-built PC sellers. They simulated a stick of RAM becoming slightly dislodged during shipping, preventing the computer from powering on. Then they got one of their less-versed employees on the line with the PC's respective phone number. The guy at the desk at the computer store down the road solved it in 10 minutes, while Dell had the poor LTT employee getting whiplash from being transferred between every Indian call center worker with a pulse, while constantly being pestered about extended warranty and whatnot, for 45 minutes. I made the point that I would not buy from Dell after seeing the state of their customer support, but my parent did not seem to be able to imagine a customer support line that wasn't outsourced to the other side of the planet.
My condolences for your medical situation. When you tell your parents about this, what do you think will happen? Will they ridicule you for their own entertainment, or will they fulfil their basic duty to keep their children healthy and safe? I would expect the latter. Even if it is difficult for you to confess, you must still do it. I can't imagine that the situation will improve if you wait even longer. Good luck and strength to you.
WYEA is the name of the website "Where's Your Ed At?" Ed is the nickname of the writer, Edward Zitron.
Coincidentally, my relative and my sibling have also just started playing Halo Reach. They were also a big fan of it when it released!
Who the hell drinks propanol?
I just went to and I still see the PineNote community version being out of stock on the EU store. Is it available elsewhere?
Is it called channel spacing?