This is the funniest thing I've seen all day.
For rust at least, those are packaged in Debian and other distros too. I think rustup is in Debian Trixie too.
Da sind aber unentschlossen und nichtwähler separat. Lieber auf die Projektion oder hier schauen, da sieht es dann wieder schlechter aus.
Es wird ne groko, nicht wahr? ..... Motto: Stabil in den Abgrund hinein
Sure, tell that the suppliers
Well, maybe deleting my account
And electron is shit, so you have to enable that experimental ozone thing, which kills off ibus somehow, meaning I have to decide between blurry chromium/electron apps and being able to write in Japanese.
Don't even get me started on VST plugins for music production (definitely far from ready)
Millions are probably insufficient.
Und nach der neuen Wahlperiode wundern sich alle über Stillstand und die AfD mit 30%. Ich fühle politische Hoffnungslosigkeit, selbst wenn ich alle Herrschaften in meinem Umkreis dazu bringe sinnvolle progressive Parteien zu wählen. Ist echt schwer aktuell nicht pessimistisch zu sein.
And for using their money for ads...
Und den Plural auch nicht jeweils vergessen
I am deeply convinced that the music of Ado is the best music in the world.
Just listen to うっせぇわ. I've started listening to her after starting to learn Japanese, but now it's pretty much my main motivation to continue learning the language (through there are quite a lot).