Regardless of what you think about China, you need to realize that you, as an American, do not get to dictate to over a billion people about how they should organize their society. Chinese people can handle their own affairs, if they desired the overthrow of the CPC, they could make that happen. They by and large do not desire this, in fact the CPC is broadly popular with tens of millions of Chinese citizens. Do not even try to dismiss that fact with some foolishness like "propaganda" or "brainwashing" ect.
You know nothing about Chinese life or how an average citizen feels about their government there, reading foreign press doesn't offer any insight into that. The nation-state of China is one of the oldest and most influential human institutions in history, and they will not be ordered around by some imperialist anglos again. I suggest you find a way to reconcile that with your personal opinions about them, and recognize that 1.4 billion people do not and will never have to care about you or what you think about them. So either give up your leftist aesthetics and just accept you are an imperialist, or figure out how to treat Chinese people as an equal competitor if not a friend.
I agree, German kids could have resisted, there was the White Rose and shit, and let's not forget the thousands of leftists thrown into the camps. It's not like people didn't know what they were doing was wrong, they just didn't want to take the risk of opposing the regime like the peers did. And to forgive them, punishes those who did resist. That's why Nazi collaborators deserve a swift execution along side the true believers.