
joined 2 years ago

Hell yeah, deepseek helped me make a lentil and chicken curry the other day

[–] 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Why would we need to spy on our own employees?

At about a rate of 30 dollars lost for every dollar of "aid" gained, apparently

[–] 31 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I recognize the Chinese perspective, but the reality is different from Chinas desire

Go look up the 1970's US and China Joint Communique, and see whose actually based in reality. The US, on paper, pretends to agree to China's One China policy but it acts belligerently by supporting seperatism in Taiwan.

they only need to outlast a China that’s in decline.

okay gordon chang

United States has many obligations in the region that are threatened by Chinese buildup that they must respond to if they want to keep their alliances in the region.

Like in Japan? South Korea? with Taiwanese seperatists? In the phillipines? In other words, all places that have US backed regimes? How convenient.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

ban was already lifted lmao

[–] 26 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

As a USonian, I'm kinda delighting in watching Trump basically rip up the entire post WW2 created world. It'll probably make my living conditions all the more worse, but fuck it. As the Romans say, it is what it is.

Those youtube to mp3 sites were the ones I primarily used when I was still downloading music. Just have to use an adblocker when using them. I eventually caved and bought spotify when my last phone died with 1k+ songs T_T.

Ask your AI engineers, ass hole

Democrat, Republican...they can make any promise/ threat they want, but at the bottom line, Trump had to force Israel into a ceasefire on account of the military reality on the ground in Gaza: The resistance could not be defeated.

[–] 11 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

The Issue is that the BCG Vaccine isn't common in the US 😅...we kinda thought we didn't need it.

The corona virus claims another life


Make your own conclusions, but I think it seems pretty believable that there are DPRK troops in Ukraine. Doesn't seem like it changes the war regardless, but interesting update.

edit: according to a comrade of mine that speaks Korean, they said it's kinda hard to say. The last translation seems a bit off, like the person is overstating that he wants to stay in Ukraine, but it's still overall unverified that they are actually DPRK soldiers.

I'm kinda stumped on this one


These takfiri scum are more interested in killing Shias and other minorities than they are ridding Syria of INCREASED Israeli and American occupation. It's not really diplomatic to engage in games of I told you so, but to all of these people jubilant about Syrian sovereignty being replaced for Sharia Law, WE TOLD YOU SO


How is it that the USSR didn't have any issues with inflation, and what is actually the cause of it in capitalist "societies"?


What's a creative way to use a community space for organizing purposes? I'm wondering of ways I could design this space to cater to the people in the area in a way that's maybe deeper than a standard movie screening, tabling event or what not. Open to any suggestions, especially in the realm of how culture can be used to reach out to the community. Let's say the room could fit 45-50 people for standing room.


I got a new job at my college recently and I'm basically a glorified chore runner, and I love it. The pay is pretty shit and I'd probably make more working in a kitchen, but tbh, I'm literally typing this as I'm "on the clock", and I get to spend like 90% of the time doing my class work.

That's all, that's the announcement. Hope everyone is doing well.

Edit: The wosrt part of this job are the senior workers who feel the need to tell me to get off of my phone. Just now, someone told me to get off of my phone and when I got off of it they were like "haha, i'm just joking!" Like stfu bro, all passive aggressive for no reason smh...the most strenuous thing I've done today was go to the mail-room. If it's not coming out of your pocket then stfu!!!


Some lighter news in these trying times




I said "death penalty" under a post about a zionist terrorist who stabbed unarmed civilians for wearing kuffiyehs at a pro-palestine rally. I'm free, my time is liberated. I'll have to go scream at zionists in real life even more.


Someone told me there was a deprogram episode on hawaii, but I couldn't find it :/. Any other source material also welcome!


This seems like such a silly write up, but I'm noticing that it's not as easy for me to complete a task unless I'm at the absolute limit of time to where it needs to get done. For example, I needed to study for an exam over the course of a week...I just started today, and the exam is tomorrow 💀. I have 4 chapters to read to and just finished the 1st :').

On one hand, I think having that kind of sense of urgency is good when you're dealing with an "emergency", but like...its not really ideal to constantly be in "emergency" mode. Besides the obvious answer of doing stuff early, how do I stop doing this 😦...

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