Trump is certainly gearing up to do some atrocities of his own, for sure. More like take decision-making powers away from Americans.
I guess that makes sense. About the trans thing, I guess that's just how it's been presented to me. I came from a deeply conservative background and am working through a lot of deprogramming and relearning. Also Tumblr lib programming to undo too.
Most of our write-ins are lumped together. Claudia de la Cruz only got nine votes here, one of them of course was me.
Not sure if "psychotically" is the right term. One does not have to have a disorder separating them from reality to be reactionary. Though it is reactionary, for sure.
2024, the last free election the world would ever see....
Well, it's even weirder because, if I understood what I read correctly, the Typhlosion was the only party that really could consent. It talked to the girl both in a shifted human form and in its real form. The girl I can only assume was underage because they kept calling her a girl. So the Typhlosion was the real creeper. Also this took place in some ancient era where the boundary between Pokemon and humans was blurred. It has Japanese youkai vibes for sure. I don't know about the other stories, though, I only heard the Typhlosion one.
'Scooz me, I jus'... there we go
Obviously they'll be playing Space Station 14 which could use more players and servers.
I went to my doctor appointment. Task: completed.
So you'll invite the underrepresented, marginalized folks and share a loving community free from private property; everyone sharing everything freely? Of course we'd like them all to believe in Jesus, but we won't hate them if they don't or try to shove it on them either.
We are this close to entombing our presidents in a golden throne and worshipping them for millenia.
I really enjoy the non-canon appearances of "Refresher."