Stolen from
Where's the Atlas holding up the world tankie meme!?
I bet a lot of us, comrade.
Which way, le redditor?
I set up a log group for that instance and it showed nothing.
I don't know if I set it up wrong or if just means things are fine on that side.
You’re definitely confused. The number one type of theft is people stealing from shops and businesses. It happens all the time! Sometimes people come in a big group and run through the whole store stealing stuff just for the fun of it. You see it every day on the news.
Wage theft? I’ve never even heard of that on the news at all, it’s not happening every day like shop theft. But it is a problem. I have employees that I pay 8 hours of wages to and sometimes when I look at the security cams I see that they actually spent several hours sitting around chatting to each other instead of working so yes, it happens. But people stealing from the shop is still the worst kind of theft possible.
This guy is my hero lol
100% what's the Carlin quote, everyone behind you is a moron everyone ahead of you is an asshole.
This deadly combo of feeling invincible and being in a competition.
You joke (probably not), but I was once complaining to my group chat about getting stopped by my job in a "sting" type thing, saying I was on my phone (i wasnt and the thing was dropped). Anyway, my chud friend was so close, complaining how these traffic laws are just ways to suck money from.working people a lot of the time. However, his solution was something along the lines of remove traffic laws, make it harder to get licenses, this will separate the wheat from the chaffe, and the rest can get "bus passes with all the other knuckle draggers."
I was in complete awe at his stupidity and yeah, called him out on that dog whistle.
What I'm saying is, you're right... we'd never accept this lol
Personally I enjoy watching him, more than other streamers. As others have said, he's important for the pipeline. What I will add is, for better or worse depending on how you look at it, he's a "dude's dude" which I think helps with the dumb "socialist soyboy" stereotype bs.
Thank you