I'm also sick of hearing people say, "God never gives you more than you can handle."
I know people who have been driven batshit insane by what God has given them.
I'm also sick of hearing people say, "God never gives you more than you can handle."
I know people who have been driven batshit insane by what God has given them.
That is exactly true. Life is only about 3 things: food, reproduction and dealing with boredom. Humans add so many colours to that, that it looks like we do more than those 3 things so that's where you might see free will.
I like to think of why people suffer or God allows it like this. Even if you don’t think there is a plan, 70 years on earth vs an infinity of bliss is a good deal.
I think of this too, and then I think God gave humans a brain to figure out what to do.
Libs: The religious concept of "free will" is fundamental to our ideology because it justifies prisons, wars, exploitation, colonialism, etc. Historically it's all the same thing.