You're doing great already. At a macro level, the battle is all but lost. A third of a billion tons of plastic is produced every year. Almost nobody cares outside a smallish fringe of society in very developed countries (i.e. us). And the hydrocarbons industry needs new things to do with the oil it can't burn. Also, plastic recycling is a red herring: it takes less energy to use virgin petroleum.
The two priorities IMO should be:
- Keep it out of waterways as much as possible. Above all this will mean education and resources in the developing world. In rich countries with waste management, the hard-to-fix issue is microplastics from synthetic clothes
- Minimize the health risks
For the second one, my basic principles are:
- Never eat or drink from plastic receptacles to which heat has been applied
- Avoid the rest where possible but don't stress about it
Microplastics are going to be a major environmental and health challenge because the problem is just so intractable. But there's only so much an individual can do. Be a good consumer, be a good citizen and at the very least never forget to vote, and then just relax. It's bad enough as it is without adding pointless anxiety to it.