A PR piece that plugs AI. How original...
Also, don't buy American.
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A PR piece that plugs AI. How original...
Also, don't buy American.
From my perspective the key point is that Intel claims 18A is at long last ready for production (in 2025H2). The other stuff is all pretty tedious PR
Importantly from what I've read outside sources such as Ian Cutress are also pretty positive about the node, so it's not just this press release in a vacuum. I guess we will find out soon enough how it turns out.
I think regardless of how shitty Intel as a company is/was and the general issues with the USA right now, as a consumer we should hope for it to turn out well. Leading edge manufacturing is one of the hardest industries to enter and there are only 3 companies left in the race. Competition is vital for a healthy market, so any loss there will ultimately hurt consumers more than some of the other issues.