remember that you can always replace "U.S. mercenaries" with "U.S. state department"
World News
What a relief, thought they’d be competent
aka latin american destabilization episode 2: the sino threat.
The US have already started with the new Red scare propaganda:
The translation of the title of the news is as follows:
Maduro threatens to "take arms" with Cuba and Nicaragua to protect "the right for peace"
how much longer before we start to see the propaganda shared on .world or .ee?
Probably this year at most. When Nicaragua and Venezuela finish dissolving their bourgeois democracy(Venezuela is going to start and Nicaragua is in the process which started the past year), the propaganda will intensify.
Can you explain Nicaragua I saw Maduro said he would begin plans to switch to becoming a council republic but I haven’t seen anything about Nicaragua?
Am I reading this right as in "join them in the fight against the US"?
Cause their propaganda is just making them sound based as fuck.
That moment when your big brained american confirms that the US covertly works to desestabilize latin american countries, something that the latin american compradores work their ass off to hide LMAO.
God I hope the get caught and executed.
The issue is not their competence but that they get a thousand chances at bat. Eventually one succeeds. Look at Syria. The core issue of the imperialists simply continuing to exist in the form they do has to be addressed.
So the School of Americas never went away.