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Main thing is: remember there are a billion Muslims and have been for ~1400 years. There's been a lot of diversity within that.
Thank you
New band name just dropped: Egyptian Vice.
I live in majority muslim nation and yeah theres plenty of conservative muslim, just like how nearly every nation has many conservatives. However racists westerners pretend homophobia and sexism is uniquely exotic to muslim and use it to deflect that the west still has prevalent sexism and homophobia attitudes.
Edward Said best describes this phenomenonen in his book about Orientalism.
Damn, guys. Please debate the validity of religion as a whole in a different post, would you? It's getting way too off topic. I'm not religious, but I'm also aware that in hell world we need our opiates or we'll go crazy.
It is too late comrade you have opened the religion debate floodgates by mentioning the existence of religion lmao
It's because of fedoralords like the one furiously fedora tipping in this thread that I call myself nonreligious instead of atheist.
We’re still a long way from someone pressing the no religion button
Post-religious society is something Marx talked about.
That's the thing: it comes after a whole lot of other social restructuring. Being smarmy and condescending toward people that have religion as one of their only forms of comfort in a crushingly unjust system is just being a privileged Reddity asshole scoring euphoria points by looking down on less enlightened beings, as seen in this thread.
When a Hexbear comrade posts a valid question seeking greater understanding, but then smug and condescending Reddit New Atheism oozes into the thread:
not qualified to comment on the particulars but i think it's worth remembering and its vassals have propped up the worst most reactionary franchises of islam because of cold war shit
if liberals are trying to say shit about internal social repression in palestine recently, iirc hamas rose to prominence because of external influence and because there's just something about islamists that the settlers and imperialists prefer over more cosmopolitan/secular/socialist groups, they can shut up. islam could be exactly what they accuse it of and it wouldn't justify genocide.
As others have pointed out, there are many “sub genres” of Islam. I am not an expert and am not Muslim or religious myself, but from what I gather the extreme ones like Wahhabism in Saudi is of course exceedingly socially conservative, but there are of course others. From what I understand, despite what the z!onists say, The form of Islam that Hamas represents is way more moderate especially regarding things such as the veil (I can’t recall ever seeing Bisan wearing one) and I’ve read anecdotal stories of openly gay tourists visiting Gaza (before the holocaust obviously) and having zero problems.
Any Muslim comrades with more knowledge please feel free to correct me where I am wrong here or expand.
Also fuck new atheists and big ups to all my Muslim comrades, free Palestine inshallah 🇵🇸
There is Islam and there are muslims. Muslims can be homophobic and sexist. Islam is their belief, religion being used to justify ones bigotry is nothing new.
A lot of the times westerners have this view of Islam as if it's a dogma like calvinism. But it's a whole religion, it's a lot more cultural, it's very unique to the individual and what they make of it. There are very dogmatic views of Islam for sure, but if people are talking about "Is Islam X" or "Does Islam teach Y" there's a fundamental misunderstanding of what religion is. Look at how different orthodox christianity, catholicism and protestants are. If you try to pin-point "what does christianity teach?" you will end up with a set of very broad universally-agreed truths "Love thy neighbour etc." and the bare-minimum of christian lore "Jesus was the messiah and died on a cross for our sins and rose again 3 days later from the grave". Other than that everything open. Was Mary a virgin her whole life? Is it ok to pray to idols? Is the bible sent by god? What books should be in the bible?
Pretty much the same for Islam. There as many perspectives to Islam as to Christianity. A historical, an individual, a theological (which depends on the school), a cultural and probably a couple more I'm currently not thinking of. If someone is talking about Islam as if it was a tangible thing there are deeper brainworms at play.
Islam teaches nothing. Mohammed has taught. Allah teaches. A hoca, imam, your mom and dad might teach you what it is to be a muslim. And what they teach you might be completely different from what another muslim is taught.
I also require reeducation
Ex-muslim here!
While there are obviously a lot of different interpretations and sects of Islam that have different feelings on these matters, the short and most correct answer would be basically, yes, Islam is one of the most homophobic and misogynistic religions out there.
Most Muslims are extremely conservative in their beliefs when it comes to these topics. I'd say it's honestly safe to assume that most every Muslim you come across is likely going to be a raging homophobe and/or misogynist.
All religions are pretty shitty in my opinion but Islam has been the worst offender and is the most cultish in my experience. There's a site I linked below that goes in depth on things like this, so you might wanna check it out.
Edit: Firstly, this should go without saying, but I don't support the genocide of the Palestinian territories by the IDF. I don't necessarily support the religion but I sure as hell do not support a genocide against innocent people. I don't think my comment suggested I do, but clearing this up just in case before more of yall come into my inbox being all butthurt. Secondly, after reading more responses on this thread, I'm going to leave this here: I'm not and will never be an islamophobe, and I respect all Muslims (even the ones who are queer and/or women and muslim, I will never understand how you could do that though) but, I am extremely critical of the religion, and I think it's not a very healthy one. It isn't up for debate on whether or not Islam is homophobic and misogynistic based on my personal experience growing up as a queer male Muslim who had to hear how even my normally-very-accepting-of-other-people family wanted to "kill all the homos". And I mean, they even say shit like women are intellectually deficient and that you should stone Queer people for... existing. It isn't "IsLAmoPHobic" to be critical of these aspects of the religion, it's 'Islamophobic' to demonize all Muslims for the actions of a few (a.k.a Al-Qaeda, ISIS, or Hamas) or make those weird 9/11 'jokes', but alas, I suppose Lemmy isn't really ready to have this discussion.
Ex muslim too and there was a period where I saw islam as being uniquely homophobic/mysogynist/etc, but these days I feel like that's just due to the damage imperialism/colonialism has done / is doing to muslim countries, not giving them the opportunity to start making social progress.
And as other comments have pointed out, the imperial core tends to prop up and fund the most reactionary islamic groups.
Calling islam uniquely bad can lead to some pretty fascist shit, like this popular ex-muslim youtuber whose content has now just devolved into zionist propaganda
As others have said, Islam is not a monolith, there are many interpretations of Islam across the world. Some are more progressive, some less. The culture I am from has a creative interpretation of what homosexuality is, at least partially stemming from the relatively high degree of misogyny there.
So from my experience with a less mainstream Islamic culture, it's less homophobic but about as misogynist
Religion is always trash. No way around that and even as open mind leftists or wannabe leftists we have to recognize that. However the worst elements of religion tend to moderate with development something the Muslim world has been denied by the great Satan
There is a specter haunting this thread: the specter of Sam Harris style "not Islamophobic, " Reddit New Atheism.
it haunts the whole website!
Disclaimer: you're going to get wildly differing answers because Islam is not a monolith.
Edit: also thank you for asking this respectfully
At least in my experience with the Muslim side if my family, no. There's maybe a little "oh that's different and a little weird, but if someone's queer that's just Allah's plan for them and it's not our place to judge", but there isn't the hatred and condemnation you see in conservative christian cults. It can break more along political lines.
It also gets weird with regional variation, like where my family is from trans people are kind of normal. I was even taught that transness is generally accepted religiously as long as the trans person is straight (so since I'm lesbian that doesn't work as well for me, but whatever).
Generally I consider the "Islam is violently queerphobic" shit essentially a form of colonialist blood-libel to paint Muslim cultures as backwards and oppressive in order to justify committing horrible colonialist and imperialist violence against them, and it's victim-blaming too. Queerness is very culturally dependent -- what is feminine in one culture may be masculine in another. Colonizers exported their queer-bashing ideas during conquest, cracked down on queer communities as removed, reshaped mores in the places they conquered, and now these "enlightened" colonizers have the audacity to condemn the people they colonized for bearing those scars. Of course we're "behind the times" -- you fuckers made us be!
There is certainly room for and indeed a need for conversation and struggle around queer acceptance and liberation in different Islamic cultures, but that's going to vary greatly by region and is less of a theological question and more a cultural question (of course there's a give and take between theology and culture). Islam in Iran is wildly different from Islam in Pakistan is wildly different from Islam in Saudi Arabia is wildly different from Islam in Algeria, and even within those places there is a great amount of variation