Act-Age maybe? Usagi Drop also kinda I think
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Same two I thought of.
Monster Musume seems forgotten by all but one of my obsessive friends. No drama, it's just that the author wrote himself into a hole and can only write status quo stories now.
@Duamerthrax @Yareckt I grew tired of it during the farm/milking arc, but in reality it lost any direction well before that.
Besides the already mentioned Usagi Drop there's also Gal Cleaning and its many sexual assault focused .x chapters after it got axed if I remember correctly - don't think many people talk about it these days.
Ah yeah.. Gal Cleaning..
Possibly. It's hard to say you don't talk about something without talking about it. And it's hard to say if we're actively forgetting something or if we just forgot something, and if we remember either, it isn't forgotten anymore.
Everyone keeps forgetting Kamichama Karin exist, it only became a meme for that one frame:
Moe Harukawa had another manga besides of the Touhou series she was assigned to (Forbidden Scrollery), and it ended after 2 or 3 chapters, with no explanation and with Harukawa also disappearing.
in its* surroundings