Late Night With the Devil was really fun if you've not seen it. Not sure what your qualifications are really. Horror has important and specific sub genres. X and Pearl would be good to watch before Maxxxine. You'll Never Find Me is a great and moody film from Australia.
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I second this, Late Night With the Devil was very well done, I enjoyed it a lot.
One of the best horror movies of all time in my book. Love it. It shocked me so much when watching it. It's truly amazing.
This! So. Well. Done. This is what horror films should strive to be
I love horror so much! I'll try to list some that may not be as popular as some others:
The Thing (1980's version) This is my favorite horror movie, it's a great mix of situation, tension, paranoia, and great practical special effects
The Autopsy of Jane Doe Very well done, interesting premise, and it's a wild ride
Evil Dead Rise While I'm a huge fan of Evil Dead 1, and 2, plus Army of Darkness, the 2013 Evil Dead reboot missed the main point and feel of the originals. So while the reboot would have been fine as it's own movie, as an Evil Dead movie it failed for me. Evil Dead Rise however 100% captures the feel and magic of the originals, and it is god damn brutal.
Overlord The movie, set in World War 2 had a trailer that looked pretty cheesy, like an over the top action movie set in WW2 with zombies. It was NOT that movie, it's wonderfully done setting wise, costumes, acting, and it's intense and visceral. I love this movie.
I may come back and edit my post to have some more suggestions.
“The Thing” is an amazing classic. I’ll add the 1970s version of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
John Carpenter's Apocalypse trilogy (The Thing, Prince of Darkness, In the Mouth of Madness) - Some of my favorites. Has that 80s horror movie style with damn near perfect execution.
Re-Animator (the first one) - Also an 80s classic. Loosely based off the Lovecraft story.
Color out of Space (with Nicolas Cage) - Modernized adaptation of the Lovecraft story. Done quite well. Gorgeous visuals
Mandy - Super trippy horror movie, also with Nicolas Cage
Silent Hill (2006) - Games are way better than the movie and the movie's story doesn't follow the games at all, but it has a good atmosphere. This movie got me into the games to begin with.
Jacob's Ladder - A fantastic, vibey movie that leaves you guessing what's going to happen next.
Annihilation - One of my favorites.
Red State - A fantastic horror movie directed by the most unlikely of people (Kevin Smith)
The Mist (2007) - Steven King adaptation directed by Frank Darapont. Need I say more?
Se7en - A classic
Oculus - No relation to the VR company. Great movie with a great story.
Funny Games - The definition of fucked up. This is the only movie that made me feel angry after watching it. It's amazing.
One Hour Photo - The only horror movie I was unable to finish due to Robin William's excellent performance.
I Saw the Devil - An excellent revenge plot. Gory to all hell.
Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Horror comedy. Fantastic
Shawn of the Dead - Same as above
Cabin in the Woods - Mix between a horror comedy and an actual horror movie.
Troll 2 - If you like "so bad, it's good" movies, check this one out.
Holy crap what a list! I gotta see a few of them. Some I've already seen but thanks for such a great list of movies 🥰
I didn't put them in any particular order. They're all good in their own way.
Highly recommend Thing and Red State.
Red State is legit terrifying.
Gonna throw Aliens in the mix. Great atmosphere, classic 80s one-liners. Truly an iconic movie.
Oculus was pretty good, IMO. Same vibe as the first Ring movie. Brutal ending.
My man! I loved it.
The Descent and Barbarian are both excellent.
The descent was really fun! I did not really like Barbarian that much, there where parts that just annoyed me for some reason but worth a watch for sure to see if you like it.
I can understand that about Barbarian. The hard turn it takes about halfway through isn't as much fun during rewatches. But I still appreciate the subversion, and it does eventually get back on track. I definitely wouldn't fault someone for not being into it though.
Jeepers Creepers
Arachnophobia is one of the best movies ever made, and almost all of it still holds up really really well as they used all practical effects.
The Thing 1982
They Live (not really horror but kinda)
The original alien movies
It follows
The Ritual 2017
And if you like reading, may I suggest just reading the SCP articles. There are over 8000 of them and a lot of them are very good.
In the Mouth of Madness
Have you read Sutter Cane?
The Menu
Meh. It was…fine. But, like, aggressively fine. The satire was so heavy handed. Good acting, for sure. But felt like a big disappointment because it could’ve been great, but aimed for and succeeded in being just good.
I ended up watching Us. It was OK but the ending kinda was meh. Didn't make to much sense to me.
Sinister and Hereditary are my top 2! It's hard to scare me, but those were FREAKY without being too cheesy or whatever that a lot of movies do.
Cabin in the Woods! Fantastic movie
I like most Vincent price. So House on Haunted Hill from 1959 is pretty great. I really like campy movies too. So... Yea. Price in The Wax Museum and The Last Man on Earth too.
Cabin in the Woods is great.
Friday the 13th.
Creature from the Black Lagoon.
Truth or Dare.
Escape Room.
Ready or Not.
Only bc I don't see it suggested yet. The Ring was the first movie to really scare me.
I'll throw some I haven't seen here yet
Talk to Me is one of the best horror movies I've seen. It's original, well written, and nobody acts like they're in a horror movie or makes blatantly stupid decisions.
If you haven't seen The Others yet, it set the bar for what supernatural horror could be.
The new boogyman movie is a little 'modern', but it's solid and has some really cool scenes.
Tigers are not Afraid was one that came out of nowhere to me, it's a Mexican indie movie about children dealing with cartels, and it's heavy as hell.
For less actually scary and more campy, Satanic Hispanics was a lot more fun than I expected. It's an anthology movie similar to VHS with each piece made by a well known Hispanic director.
And if you want tone upset for the rest of your life, watch Antichrist by Lars Von Trier and Mother! From Darren Aronofsky without reading anything about either of those movies.
I love a good creature feature, and this one had a very unique, and awful creature!
Pandorum and Tusk
When Evil Lurks (Cuando acecha la maldad) is an edge-of-seat fast-paced horror. It's argentinian (so in Spanish), but totally worth it.
My guy! That's my favorite movie from last year. One of the best horrors in recent memory for me. While some of my friends where annoyed at some of the characters I kinda get why they where written that way so it didn't bother me.
I'm halfway through It Comes at Night and I like it a lot.
Another good one I saw recently was Midsommar but after some reflection I'm not sure it falls under horror any more
I don't know where you're at, what you've seen, and this barely counts as a horror movie but goddamn Tremors is solid.
A coworker just saw Longlegs and she said it was very good. She's borderline psychotic in a fun way, so I figured I'd pass her recommendation along.
The Inheritance is one of the best I've seen in recent times. I loved The Ritual and its monster story. I watch As Above So Below once every 2 years because it's so much fun. Rec is a great Spanish film. Dark Water is a classic Japanese horror.
No summaries. I prefer to go into horror not knowIng what they're about.
I really like As Above So Below, but something that drives me absolutely insane about it is they translate this ancient text they found and it just so happens to rhyme in English.
I prefer to think of it as a horror "National Treasure" so that the ridiculousness makes sense.
In a Violent Nature is a good anti-slasher if you're tired of the same tropes being used over and over again. If I didn't know any better, I'd think the word "subversion" was created for that film.
Indeed. I don't see a lot of slashers because of that. They are just the same shit over and over again. I love horror movies because there is always something new, minus slashers that is.
Well In a Violent Nature sounds like something you'd enjoy. As decisive as it seems to be, I've really not seen a horror movie like it before.
I'll add it to the watch lost then. Sounds intriguing!
The thing. Read nothing else about it.
I just saw Truth or Die. Pretty fun flix!