Look, anything pan fried with butter, salt, black pepper, bacon and a little white wine is going to taste great...
Abortion is unfortunately political
Name something that isn't these days.
Ah, just how Roe v Wade interpreted the right to healthcare. Can't reverse that. It's a binding and permanent interpretation of the Constitution. Kavanaugh, Barrett both said that it was settled law, no backsies.
I've seen way too many lifted trucks with silkscreened AR-15 pattern rifles in the shape of a cross to believe this for one second.
Child marriage is already legal. We don't have to go back to that.
No-Fault divorce is already on the chopping block.
'Til death do us part' is gonna be the only option soon, just an FYI for my peeps in abusive relationships out there.
I've been saying it.
Every year, we should take the wealthiest person and reclaim 50% of their assets. Congrats, you've scum sucked enough blood out of people, we're taking 50% of it back. We'll build a "This year's biggest winner" statue in your honor with some of the funds.
Front and rear windscreens are bonded on. Rear view mirrors are typically bonded to the glass. Side view mirrors are bonded to their mounts. The Lotus Elise famouslu used bonding and riveting in the chassis. If you doubt the strength of bonding material together, the heat shield panels for the Space Shuttle were bonded with a special epoxy onto the vehicle. The adhesive handled supersonic winds at extreme temperature fluctuations. The glass fascia on skyscrapers is basically held on with double-sided foam backed tape, and it stands up to rain, shine, cold, hot and hurricane winds.
We're all very impressed, and maybe a little terrified.
Obviously Been Grifted.
Any system large enough is going to have waste and fraud. That doesn't mean the system shouldn't exist, and it certainly doesn't mean that the system shouldn't be handed over to the largest wasters and fraudsters on the planet.
These guys will let you get mangled in an industrial accident if it would save them a quick buck.